Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tampa Police Arrest Two More People In Horrific Animal Abuse Story…

Via comment by Anonymous on European Union Fails–Nationalism Surging, Multicul...

 dog attack 3

The two-year-old mixed breed dog wouldn’t fight so thugs took it to the woods and shot it. The wounded pup didn’t die and instead limped back home and lay on the porch. The thugs then took it to the railroad tracks and tied it down.

Fortunately, the police responded to a call of gun shots near the railroad tracks – they found the pup shot in the leg and neck and took her to an animal shelter.


  1. Black devils. Who else would commit such cruelty. I would welcome watching
    the same identical punishment dealt to the slime.

    1. I would welcome watching the same identical punishment

      Regardless of color.
