Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Walter Scott Shooting – and Being Misled By Media Ideology…..

 Walter Scott map 2
walter scott tazer leads
Picture with the taser wire highlighted

When we begin to research the facts of controversial issues we eventually find the deconstruction of a false media narrative, and exposing how the media manipulates public opinion of events, ultimately becomes the purpose of our research more than anything else.

In case we have not said it clearly enough, allow me to repeat. We hold no disposition or option as to the Walter Scott shooting itself. These threads are to get to the FACTS of who, what, when and where; leading toward discussion of the possibilities inherent in the “why”.

You know, what the Fourth Estate used to do…

It is not a consequence of whether Michael Slager was right or wrong. Nor a matter of whether anyone “deserved” anything, or if anything was “justified”.

Just a simple search for the truth. The truth that has no agenda nor disposition toward anyone’s opinion of it.


  1. "The truth" How about a violent man with a long covered up history of unprovoked warrantless violence getting himself on camera doing murder 1 that was then "white washed" Like every cop shop in Amerika. Except in this case the video went public before the badge Nazis could destroy it and torture the witnesses into silence. Whoever wrote this cop propaganda anti-liberty crap is lower than a child molester and needs to rot in hell. The "truth" is that the police and the Federals are an enemy army, that can and will murder , rape torture ,steal, lie ,and unless caught red handed ON VIDEO get away with it. I see this as nothing but the start of an attempt by cops and badge lickers to white wash what should be a death penalty case. I can no longer "go along" with the with the big lies anymore. There are no "good cops". They are enemy solders, and the longer this kind of thing go's on, the more likely it becomes that YOUR wife or child or mother OR YOU will be the next plaything of a serial criminal with a badge.

    1. The first time I saw the video, I said what in the world was he thinking, but irregardless, an intensive investigation is warranted.


      Whoever wrote this cop propaganda anti-liberty crap is lower than a child molester and needs to rot in hell.

      'It is not a consequence of whether Michael Slager was right or wrong. Nor a matter of whether anyone “deserved” anything, or if anything was “justified”.

      Just a simple search for the truth. The truth that has no agenda nor disposition toward anyone’s opinion of it."


      I see this as nothing but the start of an attempt by cops and badge lickers to white wash what should be a death penalty case.

      "If Solicitor General Scarlett Wilson maintains the murder charge she is intentionally throwing the case. When/if this eventually reaches a courtroom, and given the currently known details, a jury will never overcome the three hurdles without reasonable doubt:

      1.) The unlawful killing of another
      2.) with malice aforethought
      3.) and with specific intent to kill."

  2. First reports are ALWAYS wrong. The more outrageous a report it, the more likely it is wrong.
