Sunday, January 17, 2016

Tear Down That Monument! A “Progressive” Case for Demolishing the Lincoln Memorial

Via Bill


 The totalitarian socialists among us who try to disguise their true beliefs by calling themselves “progressives” are currently in the middle of one of their periodic fits of hyper-PC hysteria.  Upon learning that the mentally deranged, drugged-up little monster who murdered all those people in a Charleston church had his picture taken with a Confederate flag, the “progressives” commenced a new crusade to obliterate not only the Confederate flag from American memory, but also the memory of anyone in history whose views on race are not identical to theirs.  They have even called for the demolition of the Jefferson Memorial; and the July 4 Daily Caller included an article about a Portland, Oregon teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School in that city who has started a campaign to rename the school.  The Daily Caller refers to Wilson as “a model progressive Democrat,” which he was, but he was also a racist and a white supremacist.

More @ LRC


  1. Don't you know...

    Lincoln is the Great Emancipator...

    War is peace...

    Freedom is slavery...

    Ignorance is strength...

    Sarcasm off.

  2. He will still be revered despite all of this for one simple fact and it is the fact which makes him THE darling of the American Communist Party as well: When he didn't get what he wanted politically, he unleashed federal troops to destroy his enemies without apology. This is their wet dream: To round up and execute with impunity, every single individual who opposes their schemes and then pat themselves on the back for "saving the union".

    1. They would give the order in a second if they thought they could get away with it.

  3. "If today’s “progressives” want to begin tearing down what they believe to be monuments to America’s racist past, they should start with the Lincoln Memorial."

    Hear! Hear!

    Central Alabamaian

    1. I'll help. :) When they opened the Lincoln statue to the public in Richmond we put bird seed all over it, so the birds would cover it with poo. :)

  4. "so the birds would cover it with poo. :) "

    HA! :)

    Central Alabamaian
