Sunday, February 28, 2016



  "For the good freedom-loving women out there, this ain’t aimed at you."


  1. To quote a woman on this matter. "Women as a group will vote themselves entitlements until the state collapses".

    There really is not much room for emotions and empathy in government. Sure there must be some but government needs to be small enough that a little bit of emotion won't cause issues.

  2. I have read your blog for years and will greatly miss it. You can see why under my comments at Dov Sar at WRSA.

    1. I guess you missed.

      "For the good freedom-loving women out there, this ain’t aimed at you."

  3. "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." G. Orwell

    1. If the government said white was white, I'd still be suspicious.

  4. Heh. It's hard to argue with the premise. Unfortunately, it's somewhat like the police issue. The police that are good don't police the bad cops and then all of them get a bad name. The same with men being in charge, those who treated their woman badly were not policed by other men, thus making a situation ripe for woman wanting control over themselves. Just my opinion so don't blast me. I prefer a strong man, but I don't want to be treated like a possession either.

    1. Agree wholly, sweetie. & then they are those whom asssume everything I post is exactly what I believe. :)

    2. Oh, I wasn't assuming anything about you Brock. I was just honestly stating my opinion. Aside from an Amish, Mennonite, or other extremely conservative Christian women, I probably am as conservative a woman as they come nowadays. I believe for the traditional man/woman relationship to work though, there has to be mutual respect between the two for what they both bring to the situation.

    3. No, :) I added that there because I forgot to add it to this comment:

      I have read your blog for years and will greatly miss it. You can see why under my comments at Dov Sar at WRSA.

  5. Fascinating and true. There was a reason why women can't biblically head a Church much less a society.
    For more on masculinity, Jack Donovan is a must. His essays,books and podcast, most recent is 'All they have is fear' is well worth your time (I'd link but am unable).

    - D

  6. I think most of us have known this for a couple of decades at least. Many women will have multiple baby daddies but only one sugar daddy and that is the taxpayer. If it appears that the government is a more reliable provider they will choose the taxpayer over the daddy. Even in divorce cases many of the laws were changed to favor women ranging from asset divisions to child custody and no fault divorce was a horrible mistake. I would even end voting for government employees. If a local or state employee then no voting at that level...if a fed employee then no voting at that level. Conflicts of interest are destroying equal treatment under the law...remove voting rights where those conflicts arise.

    1. no fault divorce was a horrible mistake.

      In NC, the couple have to live under separate roofs for one year to be granted final divorce.
