Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Burns Chronicles No 17: “a speedy and public trial”

 Justice w noose

Is it for the government to interpret the Constitution, or is it for We, the People, to interpret that document, which, as is so clearly stated in the preamble, approved by us, through conventions of representatives in all thirteen then independent states under the Articles of Confederation?

There can be little doubt that Congress, the Executive, and the Judicial, must, in many instances, determine the intent of the Constitution.  The same was true under British rule.  However, when the government interpretation reaches the point of a gross deviation from intent, we cannot leave it to the government for that interpretation.  For, to do so allows the government to bypass the Amendment Process described in Article 5, and simply pass whatever laws they want.  When that happens, the Constitution is no longer in effect, and we are subjected to nothing less than a despotic government, failing to be government created by the Constitution, rather acting as an oligarchy, with no regard to the limitations imposed upon them by the Constitution.

So, in a larger sense, it must evolve to us, when the government so grossly misapplies those powers and authorities granted to it by the Constitution, to take, again, the reins of government, and to force those who claim to represent us back into their limited authority, by whatever means necessary.

The events in Harney County, Oregon, have brought a rather interesting light upon the actions of government.  So, we will begin by comparing some of their actions to historically recognized abuses, and then the remedies evolving out of those prior violations of our natural rights.

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