Friday, September 9, 2016

Facebook Founder Gives $20mm Donation On Hillary To Defeat Trump's "Fear And Hostility" Campaign

Via John

A few weeks back we noted how Bullard had questioned the intentions of ex-Facebook founder Dustin Moskovitz in funding the Center for Popular Democracy's Fed Up campaign (see "Why Is Facebook Funding "Anti-Fed" Activists").  The "Fed Up" group has mounted an aggressive effort to convince the Fed to keep rates ultra low noting they favor central banking policies that "are aimed at making sure lower income households and minorities share in the recovery to the same degree as the well off."

Ironically, Moskovitz, and his inflated FaceBook shares, are among the key beneficiaries of "ultra low rates" and not so much the poor and struggling people of this country.  A fact that was not lost on St. Louis Fed president James Bullard.  Per our previous post:


  1. Low rates do not help the poor. Voters at minimum need to understand the basics of what they're voting on. To achieve such an ideal, we'd need a functioning education system, which we do not have for political science.

    And we need a commodity backed currency.
