Monday, October 24, 2016

Left wing Berkeley Protesters Harass Students and Disrupt Campus

Via Billy


UC Berkeley students protesting for transgender and queer safe spaces block Sather Gate, disrupt studying students in the ASUC Student Union, and block traffic on the intersection of Telegraph and Bancroft in front of campus. The protest took place on Friday October 21st, 2016, staring at 12pm and ending around 2pm.


  1. Berkley campus has always been home to the liberal nutjobs. Give them a safe space in the bottom of the Pacific ocean. I am so sick of this crap.

    1. :) Some one once mentioned that her daughter was going to Berkley the next year and I said I'm sorry.

  2. They call it "Beserk-ley" for a reason. The real tragedy is the trend. We're "educating" youths to be savages.
