Monday, October 17, 2016

Trump's Guerilla Politics are Here to Stay

Donald Trump is a cat with 12 or 13 lives.

This past weekend felt like August 1974. Everyone knew Richard Nixon was toast. We didn't know exactly how or exactly when he'd be forced out. But we knew it was coming.

 After a video/audio recording of a 2005 "Access Hollywood" open mic of Donald Trump sharing his reality TV update of the medieval droit de seigneur surfaced on Friday before Sunday's big second presidential debate, dozens of Republican lawmakers and senior officials abandoned ship. All that remained, it seemed, was a Trumpian version of the GOP bigwigs who trudged to the White House in '74 to deliver the news that Dirty Donny could no longer count on Republican support in Congress.

Calling for the mass expulsion of 11 million people didn't finish Trump. Demanding that Muslims be banned from entering the United States didn't do it. Encouraging supporters to beat up protesters didn't do it. Making fun of John McCain for being captured didn't do it. Bragging that he likes to grab women inappropriately -- that, of all things, was his Waterloo.

But it wasn't.

More @ Rasmussen

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