Friday, November 25, 2016

Paul Ryan Continues to Show His True Colors: Won’t Support Cuts to Muslim Immigration

Via John

Image result for Paul Ryan muslim lover

Are any of you conservatives paying attention? This is the same guy I warned you about in 2012 along with liberal Mitt Romney and many of you did not listen. Are you listening now? The reason I ask is that not only did Ryan give away the farm to Obama in a ridiculous and illegal Omnibus bill, but now he’s saying he will not cut funds for Muslim immigration into the US from the Middle East.

Fox News show host Sean Hannity, someone who pushed for Romney/Ryan in 2012, interviewed the House Speaker and asked Ryan about Senator Jeff Sessions’ assessment of Muslim immigration into the US.

Sessions, who chairs the Senate Immigration Subcommittee, has not only pointed out that we have taken in 2 million immigrants from Muslim nations, but has also called on Congress and an op-ed to cut back on green cards issued.


  1. This photo says it all:

    Black Thursday, Midland, TX, November 24, 2016.
    Likely everyone in the picture, other than the
    bald big black guy employee, is an illegal.
    But there they are, a swarming horde unafraid
    and freely shopping at a JC Penny store.

    cav med

  2. Yes, indeed.
    The numbers in Austin are greater.
    There is also an ongoing issue
    of trying to build mosques in a number
    of Texas communities.

    cav med

    1. an ongoing issue of trying to build mosques in a number
      of Texas communities.

      Just wonderful..........
