Monday, October 9, 2017

En Brer Fox, He Lay Low


Another Southern city with a rich history has fallen into the wallow of political pus. Who knows who represents the final word on the subject, although when it comes to these miscreants, these political poltroons, it is difficult to rummage through the dung of their dogmatic house to reveal any one germ.

Now Memphis’ Orepheum Theatre Group has banned Gone With the Wind. No surprise really. Like self-important Pharisees the “powers-to-be” raise their self-righteousness beyond levels that angels can reach.  These crabbing, pitiful, unlaborious protestors (or just as unlaborious—politicians) must show their care for some group of mankind’s  maligned people of some special group of color or trait or position or whatever; though these same Pharisees-claimants insist on the people of the world’s equality.

If all are equal how can there be differences in treatment i.e. how to tell which equal is not equal. But this is the kind of reasoning (or lack of) one is faced with in contemporary society e.g. public education. NOW, I see where Orwell came up with his fairy-tale-farm idea.

One of my personal collection of movies, Song of the South, I watched the other night for the “several-th” time. (my wonderful Louisiana wife of 43 years and I used to love to watch it together).


  1. The wife and daughter were at the last performance. About 1/4 of the audience were of color. Most guests dressed for the occasion.

    The protesters need to be tared and feathered.

    1. The protesters need to be tared and feathered.

      Amen, Dear Sir, at a minimum...........:)
