Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Goodies from Ol' Remus

 Cottage at Pinner, Helen Allingham, c1890 

Ol' Remus

From Alex Thomas at the Daily Sheeple:

... members of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders may have purposefully allowed their star quarterback to get sacked multiple times after he refused to kneel during the National Anthem... “He wants to stand alone, he can stand alone on the field,” one of the teams offensive lineman said, according to the shows source. Keep in mind, the offensive line are literally the guys whose job it is to protect the quarterback, in this case the star player who didn’t kneel.
There's only one team Members Of The African American Community are on, and it ain't the Raiders or any other NFL team.

  News Australia - Radioactive find reveals the race to stop Hitler developing nuclear weapons may have been closer than we thought ... for once it doesn't sound crazy

  Daily Caller - NJ Elementary School Calls Cops On Third-Grader For Saying ‘Brownie’ ... asking for dessert gets him referred to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency

  Blackball, Z Blog - Peak professional football was probably a dozen years ago. It was around then that white mothers, started turning against youth football. They did not want their little baby being run over by black kids. That’s why the concussion hysteria gained traction. It’s a ready made excuse for pulling the white kids out of football, that lets white women pretend it is not racism driving their decision. Those kneeling black players are a stark reminder to white women that the sport of football is for violent black men, not nice suburban white boys. Youth participation in football is collapsing and this will only serve to accelerate it. The NFL has now made football anti-white and un-American.

Identity politics, American Thinker - For some time now, Democrats have played the identity politics game, revving up grievances, real or imagined, of different ethnic groups with the only commonality a dismissive prejudice against middle-class white men. This divisive disunity strategy served them well for a while, but no longer. With nothing else to replace it, it’s between Scylla and Charybdis—risk losing the base and seek broader appeal or crash into obscurity. They continue to choose poorly. With such a cynical, divisive and mendacious strategy, is it any surprise that the DNC coffers are running low? Donors and supporters are abandoning the party in droves.


  1. Hitler already had a nuclear weapon before the uS. He refused
    to use it against another country unlike some.......

    1. This is the first I have heard of this, but I doubt he would not have used it to prevent capitulation.
