Tuesday, January 23, 2018

SVAF General Phan Phung Tien on the last two years of the war when I was DAO's Funds Manager for the SVAF


Phan Phung Tien was a member of South Vietnam’s air force during the Vietnam War. He speaks to the difficulty of getting military supplies following the Paris Agreement. He also notes that comments from American Congressmen were detrimental to their efforts, and that the resignation of President Nixon had also boosted the confidence of the North Vietnamese. He details the rapid fall of South Vietnam, from the battle of Banmethuot to the evacuations of Pleiku, Da Nang, and Saigon. Mr. Tien also describes his own evacuation and reflects on the meaning and lessons of the Vietnam War.

Video and translation @ WGBH


  1. The number one lesson is "Don't trust American politicians". This is particularly true of Democrats, but don't trust Republicans either.

    1. "Don't trust American politicians".

      I've always been amazed that countries still believe we will honor our word after Indochina and I thought a humble interview.

      I Have Committed The Mistake Of Believing In Americans

      "A pregnant lady" – abandoned by her lover to face her fate
