Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Congressman from North Carolina Says America Does Not Have Gun Problem


The brutal attack at Parkland High School in Florida where 17 students and staff were killed on Valentine’s Day has people across the country calling for action from their political representatives.

U. S. Representative Ted Budd visited a Walgreens Pharmacy in High Point on Monday, to discuss the opioid epidemic. The conversation quickly turned to the epidemic of gun violence in America.

But Rep. Budd, a Republican who owns a gun retail store, made it clear he believes this is a violence problem and not a gun problem.
“We have to make sure at its very core, we deal with violence and whether that comes from something that could be radical Islamic terrorism or it’s somebody that’s deeply mentally disturbed we have to get to the core and it’s usually those two things that cause these mass killings,” said Rep. Budd who represents the 13th district.
More @ WFMY


  1. The problem is we have closed our mental health facilities for the simple reason that it's cheaper to release them than provide the care they need. The stinking politicians have done a cost benefit analysis that the cost in human life and potential wrongful death suits was less than the cost of housing the insane. People the Florida shooter and others are quite simply psychologically and emotionally beyond repair, be it because of drugs, alcohol physical damage or just plain old mental defect. They need to be institutionalized, given palliative care and remain there for their own good and that of society at large.

    Either that or put them in half way houses next to any and every politician calling for gun bans.

    1. The stinking politicians have done a cost benefit analysis that the cost in human life and potential wrongful death suits was less than the cost of housing the insane.

      Didn't know that. Thanks.
