Sunday, February 4, 2018

Fed Arrest Obama Judge

Via Michael

Since the moment President Donald Trump released the much-anticipated memo that Democrats were desperate to stop, there’s been massive panic from everyone exposed in the memo. They knew that with their corruption and secrets out, Trump would hold them accountable. That seems to be the case now for a judge not named in the FISA document but associated with it through his corrupt involvement with Barack Obama.

It’s been clear for years that Obama used judges and the system to his advantage, even outside the FISA court. Since Trump has been president, defiant judges have come out of the woodwork to constantly overturn the president’s policies. Now, one justice in Texas has been raided and arrested. Looks like Trump delivered justice this time and not the man on the stand.

Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby joint reported for Breitbart:


  1. Coiud it be that the Feds are arresting the small fry to throw to the wolves in order to placate the electorate and divert their attention from the big sharks behind it all?

  2. Odds are good this judge was engaging in garden variety corruption such as 'pay for play', kickbacks, favors for
    donors etc. etc. The kind of criminality that doesn't serve
    the needs of the party and therefore will not be turned a blind eye to. I would be amazed if anyone of importance is actually held to account for the politically motivated crimes that have been going on. There are too many skeletons in too many closets to actually start doing that.
