Monday, May 28, 2018

Maryland police officer's death ignites a racial firestorm

 Image result for Maryland police officer's death ignites a racial firestorm

It's hard to think of a more volatile mix: Four young black males from Baltimore City, accused in the death of a white female police officer in Baltimore County. Authorities say three of the teenagers were breaking into homes when the fourth ran the officer over in a stolen Jeep.

Predictably enough, social media, call-in radio and other forums blew up. A sampling from the Baltimore County Police & Fire Facebook page:

"I was hoping they'd kill him during apprehension. What a waste of life. He's currently breathing air some decent person could be breathing."

"I personally am tired of good for nothing hood rats committing adult crimes and people STILL saying crap like, he had hard times growing up, society made him do these things because he had no role models."

Read more here: @ Miami Herald


  1. Sure they had roll models, just not any positive roll models. They have been charged and it is time they go to trial. Hopefully they will not be around for very long.

    1. Hopefully they will not be around for very long.

      One is underage I believe.

  2. Proof yet again: Racism is a one-way street!

  3. Those four epitomize the Democrat Party. ZERO respect for anything. Just take whatever you want. The sad fact is these thugs are victims of Democrats. In the mid-60s, Democrats put blacks back on the plantation as slaves. Democrats by design destroyed black families and black culture in America. Once the family was destroyed black fell into line, as slaves. Blacks depended on Democrats for food and housing just like the slaves, Democrats wanted them to become. Doing anything and everything Democrats demanded. And Democrats treat their Black slaves worse than 95% of the “evil” slave owners.

    If you actually think and learn history, not what it taught in schools. Was a slave’s life right, NO. But unlike what is taught, the vast majority were not mistreated and beaten regularly. Slaves were not a throw-away asset. Slaves were expensive and valuable. Think of a modern farmer buying a $250,000 tractor. Then beating it with a sledgehammer for entertainment. Doesn’t make a lot of sense does it. Well beating a slave makes about as much sense. Slaves were needed to make money. A beaten crippled slave doesn’t produce. And if damaged cannot be sold. Did some owners beat their slaves, YES. Just like today some farmers abuse their livestock. They are the exceptions not the rule. Slaves were not starved. Again, a starving worker cannot produce. No they didn’t eat steaks, but they ate. And ate well enough to have the energy to work 10-12 hours a day. A vast majority of slaves in the 1850s lived better than most blacks in the hood do today, as Democrat slaves.

    NO, I am not promoting slavery or defending it. But the truth is people have been slaves since the beginning of recorded history. And slavery still exists today. Pretending anything else is just self-delusion.


    1. Pretending anything else is just self-delusion.


    2. I read the article and con only conclude that most of the commenters suffer from Cranial Rectal Inversion. On 22 May, you posted an article that may have the answer.

      We as Americans....hell, Western Civilization a a whole have ascribed our value and belief system to turd world 'refugees. This is a big mistake at best, a fatal one at it' worst. It is one of the reasons we are witnessing the decline of Europe.

      As far as this current article, one of the commenters over at American Thinker may have given us a clue.

      "This makes me wonder if the similar attitudes we see among 'African-Americans' here in the US might not have filtered down through the generations and still remain..."

      What we are dealing with is a tribal situation. The sooner we can wrap our heads around that, the quicker we will be on our way to finding a solution.

      Somewhere Behind Enemy Lines
      People's Rupublik of Kommiefornistan

    3. "This makes me wonder if the similar attitudes we see among 'African-Americans' here in the US might not have filtered down through the generations and still remain..."

      Pampatike Farm

      (The quote took place as Lee was leaving his first cousin's farm, Pampatike, Manquin, Virginia after a visit. He was responding to a question as to whether he should use whites or blacks as laborers. The farm has been in the Townsend family for over 100 years, and is currently owned by my Cousin Frankie.(RIP) BT)

      "I have always observed that wherever you find the Negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving."
      to fellow Virginian Col. Thomas H. Carter, June, 1865

  4. Hi Brock,
    Slavery or not, the fact of the matter is that today's "Democrat slaves" are still "Citizens of the US and subject to its' Laws!! Run over the police officer intentionally and be ready for the death sentence... Only the needle is to easy... Bring back Sgt. Joe's "Short Rope!!!"

    1. Run over the police officer intentionally and be ready for the death sentence

      I believe the driver was underage. :(

  5. Why have I NEVER heard of an affluent black neighborhood anywhere in the US?

    1. Mark, I have heard of two actually. One is called the "NFL" playing field. The other the NBA playing court.

    2. One is called the "NFL" playing field. The other the NBA playing court.

