Friday, July 6, 2018

Rap Sheet: ***133*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

 Collage of Trump supporters being attacked or harassed in public.

When not calling Trump supporters “Nazis” as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics, even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing against supporters of President Trump.

It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media is only fomenting, encouraging, excusing, and hoping for more… The media are now openly calling Trump supporters “Nazis” and are blaming Trump for a mass murder he had nothing to do with. This, of course, is a form of harassment because it incites and justifies mob violence.

Here is the list, so far, and remember that if any one of these things happened to a Democrat, the media would use the story to blot out the sun for weeks. But what we have when it comes to Trump supporters is a media eager to normalize harassment and violence.

This list will be updated as needed…

Please email  with any updates or anything you think deserves to be added to this list.

More @ Breitbart


  1. The Media is the real enemy of the American people. We must recognize funding from Soros pays for the violence but the Liberal media controls the current theme with the dopes like Maxine waters and Nancy Pelosi just echoing their incitement. Please let's stick with and support our president. President Trump's the ONLY one who can drag the country back from the Socialist abyss.

    1. President Trump's the ONLY one who can drag the country back from the Socialist abyss.

      I wholeheartedly agree.
