Wednesday, September 12, 2018

& the hurricane isn't even here yet. :) Wind 6 MPH and no rain


  1. Get out. You're welcome to stay at my humble home in Dallas if you'd like

    1. Thanks but we're only going to get 1 1/2 inches of rain and wind from 35 gusting to 50 so it will be no big deal.

  2. Keep us posted on how you are doing and stay safe.

  3. When I lived in panama City we would start cooking the meat that we had in the freezer. We could keep it cool easier than we could keep it frozen. We had lots to eat before, during, and after the storms hit. We played board games with the kids until the storm passed. The next morning we all pitched in around our home, and then went to help the neighbors. Always a lot of work in that cleanup phase. Everyone helped each other get back to normal. Best of luck to you and yours.

  4. You are in my prayers. You and everyone in NC.
