Wednesday, February 13, 2019

WaPo Actually Fact Checks Kamala Harris’ Tax Refund Lie

The long nose of a liar pinocchio

In reality, the size of a tax refund reflects nothing about the size of a tax cut or tax increase — and at least in 2018, the vast majority of middle-class Americans can expect to pay less in taxes as a result of the Trump tax law,” Kessler concluded.

Fact checkers have been notoriously left-leaning in their insistence on nitpicking things Republicans say while ignoring major lies told by Democrats.

For example, on Monday, The Washington Post’s fact checker refused to give Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez any Pinocchios for her blatantly false claims about her Green New Deal FAQ. Instead, the checker went after President Donald Trump.

But also on Monday, the Post decided to actually fact check leading 2020 presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) over a tweet claiming that Trump’s tax cuts were actually tax hikes on the middle class.

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