Friday, April 19, 2019

Patriotism and Nationalism

Via Bernhard

Image result for clyde wilson   Patriotism and Nationalism

A patriot loves his land, his people, [and] his society because they are his. A nationalist glories in the power of his government over others. Nationalism is a defect of the spirit. It characterizes people who have no other identity than their identification with the power in the government of the nation-state.”

--Clyde. N. Wilson


  1. The Left redefines everything that they feel will fit their narrative. Somehow, Nationalism became a dirty word. It will get old and tired for them, just like "racist" did. That doesn't sting like it once did so the new word is "white supremacist". Like everything Liberal, that too shall get old. And changed. Because Liberals have the attention span of toddlers. Sadly, they damage everything that they come in contact with then just crawl away...

    1. Liberals have the attention span of toddlers. Sadly, they damage everything that they come in contact with then just crawl away..

      :( Hope all is well.

  2. Patriotism and nationalism are synonyms. Both describe love of nation by the individual. Only a political scientist could redefine them to be opposites.

