Friday, May 24, 2019

Mark Meadows: We're Going to See 'Hair Curling' Declassified Info on the FBI's Spying...Within Days

Mark Meadows: We're Going to See 'Hair Curling' Declassified Info on the FBI's Spying...Within Days

During an appearance on Fox News earlier this week, Republican Congressman Mark Meadows laid down the timeline for when declassified documents about the FBI's spying during the 2016 presidential campaign will be released for public consumption.

"I can tell you, there's information coming that will curl your hair. I can tell you that the reason why it's so visceral - the response from the Democrats is so visceral right now is because they know - they've seen documents. Adam Schiff has seen documents that he knows will actually put the finger pointing back at him and his Democrat colleagues, not the President of the United States," Meadows said. "We're talking about days, not weeks. So very soon."

More @ Townhall


  1. The release of these documents won't change a damn thing. The Loony left won't read fact most on the left lack the intellect to understand them even if they tried.....but they aren't going to try because they decided the day Cankles lost that Trump was the antichrist and must be destroyed....and nothing will change their mind. Trump supporters may read these documents....but again, it isn't likely to change their outlook. Most Trump supporters are already aware of the massive treasonous effort by the left to unseat Trump. These documents will only support their belief in that fact. And the media....what little they DO say about these documents....will LIE about their contents in service to their commie demonrat masters. So as stated....
    the release of these documents CHANGES NOTHING. The battle lines are already drawn and some paperwork is NOT going to change anyone's mind
    at this point.

    1. Unless the AG finds enough to prosecute. He doesn't seem like a meek man.

  2. We should not concern over the loony left. they are not salvageable. have concern with undecided voters and never trump republicans and such rinos as may yet exist. even old school kennedy type democrats or democrats with some sense of self worth and consciousness or democrats with even some love of country. those with a heart filled with avarice and greed and a burning desire to rule you regardless you own desires are not salvageable or redeemable politically. they have drunk the KoolAide of lust for power so deeply that they shall forever be the way they are now, braindead.

    1. they have drunk the KoolAide of lust for power so deeply that they shall forever be the way they are now, braindead.

      Well said.
