Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trump Turns Red Flag Idea on Cuomo, Says He Shouldn’t Have Weapons After Unhinged Freak Out

Via Billy
Image result for Trump Turns Red Flag Idea on Cuomo, Says He Shouldn’t Have Weapons After Unhinged Freak Out

This Donald Trump Twitter post spoke volumes — and liberals should be listening.

Joining in the general mockery of CNN anchor Chris “Fredo” Cuomo on Tuesday, the president managed to turn one of the left wing’s favorite talking points into a weapon against one of the liberals’ favorite talking heads.

And in the process, he proved how right Second Amendment advocates really are.

More @ WJ


  1. I'm reading reports that Ivanka Trump is calling Republican senators to push gun control. Quite a while ago, I listened to Michael Savage, one of the first Trump supporters, on his radio show admonish the President, "Mr. Trump, send the children back to New York!" Good advice.
    --Ron W
