Saturday, February 29, 2020
Border security key to curbing coronavirus, Cuccinelli says
Via Billy
Defending the southern border is a key part of protecting the United States from the coronavirus, a top U.S. immigration official said Friday.
A border crisis could exacerbate a pandemic, said Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary of homeland security and a member of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force. But the disease doesn’t currently pose a major threat in the U.S., he added.

Defending the southern border is a key part of protecting the United States from the coronavirus, a top U.S. immigration official said Friday.
A border crisis could exacerbate a pandemic, said Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary of homeland security and a member of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force. But the disease doesn’t currently pose a major threat in the U.S., he added.
More @ The Daily Signal
The Long March Toward Capitalism
Via T.L.
We are beginning to see in the Democratic debates what a Democratic president would have in store for the United States. This is not a D vs R issue. It doesn't matter which political party offers up some socialist or communist program to find push back here on 12 Round, that is part of what we do, we fight for what we think is important. Capitalism is important, so it doesn't matter who proposes socialistic or communistic programs and Republicans have done it as much as Democrats. We are apolitical here in that we see no political party upholding and fighting for the things that we know work. Capitalism works. Hard work, works. Freedom works. Those are ideals that should be furthered, discussed, promoted, but America has slumped into a sort of quasi-socialist existence.

More @ 12 Round
They’re At It Again: Media Claims Trump Called Coronavirus a ‘Hoax,’ But That’s Not What He Said
Via Billy
Last night at a rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump called out the Democrats for politicizing the coronavirus, noting that so far the administration’s quick reaction has kept the cases of the virus low.
quoted one of his people saying that the effort to politicize the virus
is the new “hoax” effort following the failure of Russia and
Here’s the video of what he said.

Last night at a rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump called out the Democrats for politicizing the coronavirus, noting that so far the administration’s quick reaction has kept the cases of the virus low.
Here’s the video of what he said.
More @ Red State
Friday, February 28, 2020
China expert: Coronavirus could lead to collapse of Communist Party
Via Billy
The Chinese Communist Party's secretive handling of the coronavirus could lead to its collapse in the same way that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster contributed to the Soviet Union's demise, an expert on China said Friday.
Gordon Chang said in an interview with Just The News at the Conservative Political Action Conference, in Washington, D.C., that people in China are talking about Chernobyl.
The secrecy surrounding the 1986 disaster led to the failure of the Soviet Union within a half decade, he noted.
"Maybe we're starting to see the same dynamic now," he said. "But the Communist Party certainly is weakened, and it's fighting to keep itself in place."

The Chinese Communist Party's secretive handling of the coronavirus could lead to its collapse in the same way that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster contributed to the Soviet Union's demise, an expert on China said Friday.
The secrecy surrounding the 1986 disaster led to the failure of the Soviet Union within a half decade, he noted.
"Maybe we're starting to see the same dynamic now," he said. "But the Communist Party certainly is weakened, and it's fighting to keep itself in place."
More @ WND
President Trump Taps a Bulldog To Be His Next Intelligence Czar
Via Billy
Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany, is acting director of national intelligence, but President Trump intends to nominate Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) to become its permanent head. The president tweeted the announcement Friday afternoon.
“I am pleased to announce the nomination of Rep. Ratcliffe (Congressman John Ratcliffe) to be Director of National Intelligence (DNI),” Trump tweeted. “Would have completed process earlier, but John wanted to wait until after IG Report was finished. John is an outstanding man of great talent!”
Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany, is acting director of national intelligence, but President Trump intends to nominate Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) to become its permanent head. The president tweeted the announcement Friday afternoon.
“I am pleased to announce the nomination of Rep. Ratcliffe (Congressman John Ratcliffe) to be Director of National Intelligence (DNI),” Trump tweeted. “Would have completed process earlier, but John wanted to wait until after IG Report was finished. John is an outstanding man of great talent!”
More @ Townhall
Definitely worth the read: Oath Keepers Coronavirus Warning and Advice on How to Protect Yourself
Via Stewart
The Coronavirus (Covid19) has become a political football in the United States. Predictably, Democrats are using it to attack President Trump (they will do so no matter what he does). But that doesn’t mean it’s not a dangerous virus.
We consider Coronavirus a serious potential threat to your health and to the health of loved-ones because of how contagious it is, because it can be transmitted while the carrier is asymptomatic, and because of the way it attacks the lungs, which is more severe than the flu. It’s especially deadly for the elderly and for those with preexisting conditions, such as respiratory problems or cardiovascular disease, for whom the death-rate climbs in excess of 8% and as high as 15% (see below analysis). We also consider the virus a serious threat to our nation because its spread in the U.S. will likely cause serious disruptions in travel, work, school, the delivery of food, medical supplies, medical services, fuel, etc., and will cause a resultant downturn in the economy.
Please note that Saudi Arabia shut down the pilgrimage to Mecca, preventing millions of Muslims from taking planned pilgrimages (we cannot recall this ever happening before), and also banned all travel to the Kingdom by anyone with a tourist visa from one of the infected nations, such as Italy or South Korea.
Here in the U.S., it is long past time to do as Saudi Arabia has done. Breitbart has reported that a Los Angeles based flight attendant, who worked flights from South Korea to the U.S., has just been diagnosed with Coronavirus. President Trump needs to stop air traffic to the U.S. from all nations where pandemics are underway, such as South Korea, Italy, or Japan – not just from China. Frankly, because the virus has now spread extensively in the rest of the world, he should stop all foreign entry into the U.S., and returning U.S. citizens should be quarantined. He should also deploy our military onto our southern border in sufficient force to lock it down to prevent all illegal entry. Better safe than sorry! Let’s take “America first” seriously and act accordingly.
Japan and Vietnam have closed down all schools and no children are going to school in either nation. Nations do not shut down all schools over the flu or colds. A school in Washington State has now been closed. We urge you to set aside politics, take a hard look at facts, and encourage President Trump to do what is necessary. Whatever impact further restrictions on international air traffic to the U.S. may have on our economy will be child’s play compared to the cascading economic effects of millions of Americans halting travel within the U.S., pulling kids from school, and missing work from fear of becoming ill, or from being ill.
Below are write-ups by two of Oath Keepers’ veteran medical professionals explaining why you should take this seriously, citing information from trusted, neutral medical experts. Following those write-ups are some recommendations for individual preparedness in case you need to shelter in place for extended periods, and a final write up by one of our Utah chapter leaders.
Japan and Vietnam have closed down all schools and no children are going to school in either nation. Nations do not shut down all schools over the flu or colds. A school in Washington State has now been closed.UPDATE 2/28/20 12pm Central: We now consider this to be an aerosol (airborne) virus, meaning that it can travel extended distances in the air and linger in the air over time, in enclosed spaces, and infect people who breath the air, just like measles, smallpox, and tuberculosis. This makes it extremely contagious. See below analysis.UPDATE 2/28/20 12pm Central: We now consider this to be an aerosol (airborne) virus, meaning that it can travel extended distances in the air and linger in the air over time, in enclosed spaces, and infect people who breath the air, just like measles, smallpox, and tuberculosis. This makes it extremely contagious. See below analysis.
The Coronavirus (Covid19) has become a political football in the United States. Predictably, Democrats are using it to attack President Trump (they will do so no matter what he does). But that doesn’t mean it’s not a dangerous virus.
We consider Coronavirus a serious potential threat to your health and to the health of loved-ones because of how contagious it is, because it can be transmitted while the carrier is asymptomatic, and because of the way it attacks the lungs, which is more severe than the flu. It’s especially deadly for the elderly and for those with preexisting conditions, such as respiratory problems or cardiovascular disease, for whom the death-rate climbs in excess of 8% and as high as 15% (see below analysis). We also consider the virus a serious threat to our nation because its spread in the U.S. will likely cause serious disruptions in travel, work, school, the delivery of food, medical supplies, medical services, fuel, etc., and will cause a resultant downturn in the economy.
Please note that Saudi Arabia shut down the pilgrimage to Mecca, preventing millions of Muslims from taking planned pilgrimages (we cannot recall this ever happening before), and also banned all travel to the Kingdom by anyone with a tourist visa from one of the infected nations, such as Italy or South Korea.
Here in the U.S., it is long past time to do as Saudi Arabia has done. Breitbart has reported that a Los Angeles based flight attendant, who worked flights from South Korea to the U.S., has just been diagnosed with Coronavirus. President Trump needs to stop air traffic to the U.S. from all nations where pandemics are underway, such as South Korea, Italy, or Japan – not just from China. Frankly, because the virus has now spread extensively in the rest of the world, he should stop all foreign entry into the U.S., and returning U.S. citizens should be quarantined. He should also deploy our military onto our southern border in sufficient force to lock it down to prevent all illegal entry. Better safe than sorry! Let’s take “America first” seriously and act accordingly.
Japan and Vietnam have closed down all schools and no children are going to school in either nation. Nations do not shut down all schools over the flu or colds. A school in Washington State has now been closed. We urge you to set aside politics, take a hard look at facts, and encourage President Trump to do what is necessary. Whatever impact further restrictions on international air traffic to the U.S. may have on our economy will be child’s play compared to the cascading economic effects of millions of Americans halting travel within the U.S., pulling kids from school, and missing work from fear of becoming ill, or from being ill.
Below are write-ups by two of Oath Keepers’ veteran medical professionals explaining why you should take this seriously, citing information from trusted, neutral medical experts. Following those write-ups are some recommendations for individual preparedness in case you need to shelter in place for extended periods, and a final write up by one of our Utah chapter leaders.
More @ Oathkeepers
Brazil’s Eduardo Bolsonaro: ‘Globalists Are Trying to Delete Our History’
“In Brazil, black slavery ended in 1888. After that, we started to receive in Brazil workers to [replace] the black slaves. It was a time when, in Brazil, we were receiving people from Italy, Germany, Spain, and usually they were poor European people,” he said. “But when they arrived in Brazil at the time, they kept their culture, and they didn’t try to change the culture of Brazil. The difference is that nowadays we are receiving people and they want to force us to have their same culture, and this is how we start all of the fights. And sometimes what you see is the globalists blaming us because of these conflicts when, at the end of the day, it is not up to us, it is up to them that they are coming in[to] our country.”
Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro of Sao Paulo – a Brazilian conservative and the son of President Jair Bolsonaro, explained to Breitbart News Daily
host Matthew Boyle on Friday that leftists and globalists have launched
an assault on the culture of Brazilians as they have against peoples of
many other countries.
Bolsonaro noted to Boyle that Brazil has a rich history of immigration and that its diversity is “a very good thing,” but the state has a responsibility to prevent “terrorists and bad guys” from exploiting the immigration system. He also noted that many of today’s immigrants, unlike those of the past, have begun insisting that Brazil adapt to their culture rather than respecting their host country’s identity.
More @ Breitbart
The Transparent Nonsense of the Russia Hoax
No thoughtful person can believe the transparent nonsense of the Democrat Party’s continuing versions of the Russia Hoax. President Donald Trump is not a good thing for Vladimir Putin and his ambitions for Russia. China and North Korea would also probably like to work with a more compliant U.S. leader. Trump’s competitive actions in foreign policy, military power, and the primacy of U.S. national security are written in huge bright letters across our skies. Only ideological slaves and hirelings, know-nothings, and dimwits are blind to it. But the Democrats continue to insult the intelligence of everyone, even their own voters, by pushing one of the most incredibly transparent lies in American political history as a main campaign theme.
More @ The Tribune Papers
‘NEW LEVEL OF SICKNESS’: Donald Trump Jr. Blasts Democrats For Hoping Coronavirus Crisis Hurts President
Via Billy
Leaders of the Democratic Party have ripped President Trump for his administration’s response to the coronavirus, but Donald Trump Jr. says he’s not surprised at their rhetoric.
“Not at all,” he said on Fox News. “I mean, we’ve seen — like you
said, we’ve seen this play out for four years. Anything that they can
use to try to hurt Trump, they will. Anything he does in a positive
sense, like you heard from the reporter that was just suspended from
ABC, they will not give him credit for. The playbook is old at this

“A REMINDER: Please contact everyone you know. On Monday, March 2nd, there is an Economic Shutdown. #Shutitdown. It’s easy,” she wrote in an Instagram post.
“DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY ON ANYTHING ANYWHERE. our goal is to cause a $238.2 billion dollar blip on the federal government’s records.”
Leaders of the Democratic Party have ripped President Trump for his administration’s response to the coronavirus, but Donald Trump Jr. says he’s not surprised at their rhetoric.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Chinese Reds Set a Trap for Trump
Via G.W. Long
Politically, his reelection hangs in the balance. (Because it's all Trumps fault.......😏)
Aside from Senator Tom Cotton, China experts such as Steven Mosher and Gordon Chang, and the newspaper The Epoch Times, few people in politics or the media are asking the hard questions about whether the virus is a weapon of war.
But the evidence is available for those who take the time to review the facts.
Keep an eye on those "experts," Mr. President
President Trump is in a difficult situation.
If he were to disclose circumstantial evidence that the coronavirus
virus is a Chinese bioweapon, there would be calls for retaliation
against the Communist regime. Such a declaration could lead to more
fear, the threat of war, and perhaps a global economic collapse. As it
is, the virus is causing a market meltdown. He does not want to
contribute to a panic and further collapse.
But the evidence is available for those who take the time to review the facts.
More @ Canada Free Press
Democratic Virginia Senator Admits to Retaliating Against Sheriffs Who Supported Sanctuary Movement & ‘Enforce or Resign’ Says New Mexico Governor to Sheriffs Regarding New Red Flag Law

The Democratic Majority Leader of the Virginia State Senate admitted over the weekend to blocking a pay raise for Virginia sheriffs for their support of the Second Amendment sanctuary movement.
Sen. Richard “Dick” L. Saslaw told Republican Senator Bill Stanley after a floor session that the Democrats had blocked the three percent pay raise because, according to Sen. Stanley’s recollection, “they came to our committees and said that they weren’t going to enforce our laws.”
Stanley made the allegation in a Facebook post, and Saslaw admitted to the retributive move in an interview with local media.
More @ Guns America
‘Enforce or Resign’ Says New Mexico Governor to Sheriffs Regarding New Red Flag Law
Only a few weeks away: Israel Makes ‘Exciting Breakthrough’ In Race For Coronavirus Vaccine

“Let’s call it pure luck,” Katz said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”Israeli scientists are reportedly only a few weeks away from having developed the first vaccine to combat the coronavirus, which originated in China, and could have the vaccine available 90 days after that.
“Congratulations to MIGAL [The Galilee Research Institute] on this exciting breakthrough,” Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis said, according to The Jerusalem Post. “I am confident there will be further rapid progress, enabling us to provide a needed response to the grave global COVID-19 threat,” Akunis said, referring to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
More @ The Daily Wire
CDC Official Helping Spook Trump's Economy with Coronavirus Fears Is Rod Rosenstein's Sister
Via Billy
An intriguing connection related to one of America’s top health officials at the center of the national discussion over the potential severity of the coronavirus in America has some wondering about a conspiracy, while others find only a coincidence.
Fears that the coronavirus will have devastating impacts beyond those already being registered around the globe have triggered a major Wall Street selloff. President Donald Trump has pushed back against the culture of panic.
But is there a political tinge to the pronouncements? Speculation that there could be rose after it was discovered that the health official making dire pronouncements about the impact of the coronavirus contrary to those offered by Trump is connected to another high-profile individual who was often at odds with the president — former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

An intriguing connection related to one of America’s top health officials at the center of the national discussion over the potential severity of the coronavirus in America has some wondering about a conspiracy, while others find only a coincidence.
Fears that the coronavirus will have devastating impacts beyond those already being registered around the globe have triggered a major Wall Street selloff. President Donald Trump has pushed back against the culture of panic.
But is there a political tinge to the pronouncements? Speculation that there could be rose after it was discovered that the health official making dire pronouncements about the impact of the coronavirus contrary to those offered by Trump is connected to another high-profile individual who was often at odds with the president — former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
More @ WJ
Deal of the Day! What a great church! Circa 1842. Over two acres in NC. $42,000
Via Watson
What a great church! This would be fun to own! And it has a cemetery.
This church was built in 1842. It is located on 2.29 acres in Lewiston
Woodville, North Carolina. The church has the original wooden pews,
pulpit and a pump organ which conveys with the property. The church has
original heart pine floors and a loft area with additional seating.
1,351 square feet. $42,000
Contact Nancy Winslow with Keller William Realty: 252-355-6000
From the Zillow listing:

Only 30 minutes from Dixieland
Contact Nancy Winslow with Keller William Realty: 252-355-6000
From the Zillow listing:
More @ The Old House Life
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Bill Barr Harpoons the ‘Remarkably Monolithic Media’ While Championing Religion, a Free Press, and Something We All Must Remember
Via Billy
On Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr shish kabobbed the media.
at the 2020 National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, he
decried the mainstream’s “remarkably monolithic” point of view.
Furthermore, according to Bill, the MSM is no match for the “tyranny of the majority.”
As reported by The Daily Caller, the AG focused on three “bulwarks against this slide toward [cruel absolute power]” in America: religion, the free press, and decentralized governmental power.
Here’s some of what he offered up:

On Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr shish kabobbed the media.
Furthermore, according to Bill, the MSM is no match for the “tyranny of the majority.”
As reported by The Daily Caller, the AG focused on three “bulwarks against this slide toward [cruel absolute power]” in America: religion, the free press, and decentralized governmental power.
Here’s some of what he offered up:
More @ Red State
[Photos] Views of 1954 Saigon-Cho Lon From a USS Rochester Sailor

St. Paul's Hospital where Emily was born in 1970. Looks about the same today
The USS Rochester CA-124 was a heavy cruiser that was first launched after World War II.
Nicknamed the "gray ghost of the Korean Coast," the cruiser was used extensively in the Korean War.
When it docked in Saigon in 1953 as a gesture of "goodwill" after returning from combat, the USS Rochester CA-124 was the largest ship to ever visit the city.
In January 1954, the year after the Korean War ended, the cruiser departed from Long Beach, California to head to the West Pacific region. According to the content of the ship's cruise book in 1954, it stopped at Pearl Harbor, Manila, Singapore and Bangkok before arriving in Saigon on February 17. The crew stayed there for three days before departing for Yokosuka.
According to Redsvn, it was also during its stop in Saigon in 1954 that this series of photographs were taken by an unknown sailor who served on the ship.
More @ Saigoneer
The Waco Siege: What Happened When the Feds Laid Siege to the Branch Davidian Compound

“The record of the Waco incident documents mistakes. What the record from Waco does not evidence, however, is any improper motive or intent on the part of law enforcement.”
The siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, is an important event in American history because it directly led to one of the biggest terrorist attacks on American soil – the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. It’s not necessary to defend this act of terrorism to understand why the entire freedom movement of the time was so incensed by it. Indeed, it stood as a symbol of federal overreach and the corruption of the Clinton Administration.
It’s important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the siege of Waco, just as it is important to do so with the siege of Ruby Ridge or the attack on the American consolate in Benghazi. With every event, it is important to stick to the facts and what can be extrapolated from them to make the strongest argument about what went wrong and why, and what could be done differently in the future.
More @
DOJ: ‘Harvard’s Race-Based Admissions Process Violates Federal Civil-Rights Law’

Brainwashed for ever.
The DOJ released a statement announcing its amicus brief, saying Harvard accepts federal money and must adhere to civil rights laws.
More @ The Daily Wire
Possible coronavirus case in North Carolina, DHHS says
A possible case of the 2019 coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China has been identified in North Carolina, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

A possible case of the 2019 coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China has been identified in North Carolina, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
individual, who arrived at Raleigh-Durham International Airport on Jan.
23, had passed through Wuhan but "had not visited the seafood and
animal market that was linked to many early cases," according to a DHHS
release on Jan. 24.
More @ Citizen-Times
K.T. McFarland: Mueller wanted me to 'implicate' Trump
Via Billy
She recently claimed that FBI agents deployed by Mueller's team had set her up for a "perjury trap."

The Washington Examiner reported Thursday that McFarland told the CPAC audience Mueller's team "wanted me to plead guilty for a crime I didn't commit" to get her to help them "implicate" Trump in wrongdoing.Former Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland said in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday that special counsel Robert Mueller wanted her to "implicate" President Trump.
More @ WND
Devin Nunes: 'Deep state' is 'much worse than even I thought it ever was'
Via Billy
The scope of the "deep state" caught one top Republican by surprise.
California Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, spoke to Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday about his efforts to raise awareness of bureaucracy within the federal government believed to be undermining President Trump.
"One thing that I tell the American people every time that I speak and I go out on the road and I talk to people is that, remember, the deep state here is much worse than even I thought it ever was," Nunes said in an interview along with Rep. Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, to talk about efforts to renew and reform parts of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

The scope of the "deep state" caught one top Republican by surprise.
California Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, spoke to Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday about his efforts to raise awareness of bureaucracy within the federal government believed to be undermining President Trump.
"One thing that I tell the American people every time that I speak and I go out on the road and I talk to people is that, remember, the deep state here is much worse than even I thought it ever was," Nunes said in an interview along with Rep. Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, to talk about efforts to renew and reform parts of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
More @ Washington Examiner
Top Marine Orders Confederate Paraphernalia to Be Removed from All Bases
Via David
Commandant Gen. David Berger last week instructed top Marine leaders to remove Confederate-related paraphernalia from the service's bases worldwide. The directive is one of several forward-leaning initiatives Berger said he is "prioritizing for immediate execution."

" .....Kohn said it's unlikely to result in the Army renaming those 10 bases that have drawn criticism.As states continue to grapple with the passionate debate over whether to display statues and other tributes to Confederate leaders, Marines have been told the materials won't be tolerated on any of the Corps' installations.
"I think the Army would worry about alienating the local population," he said. "... Most of the people joining the military are from areas where these bases are ... so the recruiting people might say, 'You know, you really don't want to do that.'"
Commandant Gen. David Berger last week instructed top Marine leaders to remove Confederate-related paraphernalia from the service's bases worldwide. The directive is one of several forward-leaning initiatives Berger said he is "prioritizing for immediate execution."
More @
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Hilarious: Russians Declare Election Too Chaotic For Them To Successfully Interfere

It’s remarkable that the liberal elites running the Democratic Party and the major U.S. media outlets, who consider themselves to be the smartest, savviest, and most highly educated of Americans, don’t see that the Russians have played them like a fiddle.Over the weekend, while the debate over the resurrection of the Russia hoax was playing out, I wrote a post entitled, Memo to the Democrats and the Media: It’s Not the Russians Meddling in our Elections, It’s You.
More @ Red State
Trump Win: Court Rules Trump Can Withhold Funds To States With ‘Sanctuary Cities’
Via Billy
A federal appeals court held Wednesday that the Trump administration can withhold millions of dollars in grants to states that set up Sanctuary Cities and refuse to work with federal immigration authorities.
The Associated Press reported that the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan made the ruling Wednesday morning, overturning a lower court decision that said the federal government had to release law enforcement grants to states that refused to cooperate with the federal government when it came to criminal illegal immigrants. The administration previously had refused to release the funding to seven states and New York City over their Sanctuary City policies. The affected states are Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Washington.

A federal appeals court held Wednesday that the Trump administration can withhold millions of dollars in grants to states that set up Sanctuary Cities and refuse to work with federal immigration authorities.
The Associated Press reported that the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan made the ruling Wednesday morning, overturning a lower court decision that said the federal government had to release law enforcement grants to states that refused to cooperate with the federal government when it came to criminal illegal immigrants. The administration previously had refused to release the funding to seven states and New York City over their Sanctuary City policies. The affected states are Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Washington.
More @ The Daily Wire
ABC News Reporter: We ‘Don’t Give’ Trump ‘Credit’ For Good Things. ABC Suspends Him.
Via Billy
ABC News suspended one of their top reporters on Wednesday after an undercover sting video was released that showed him admitting that the network misinforms voters and does not give President Donald Trump credit for good things that he does.
Political correspondent David Wright was captured making the remarks in undercover videos that were released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

ABC News suspended one of their top reporters on Wednesday after an undercover sting video was released that showed him admitting that the network misinforms voters and does not give President Donald Trump credit for good things that he does.
Political correspondent David Wright was captured making the remarks in undercover videos that were released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.
More @ The DailyWire
"The only persistent tech worker shortage in America is a shortage of workers at the wage employers want to pay."

"We're full, our system's full, our country's full!" That was President Donald Trump last year at our southern border.
"Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families." That was Trump in January 2017 at his inaugural address.
"The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult... to earn a middle class wage." That was presidential candidate Trump in 2016.
Contrast those clarion "America First" statements with the apparent hysteria of Trump's current acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who was caught on tape telling a private audience of elites in England last week: "We are desperate -- desperate -- for more people. We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we've had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants."
More @Townhall
DOJ Creates Unit Dedicated to Stripping Citizenship From Naturalized Terrorists, Other Criminals
Via Billy

The Department of Justice announced the creation of a new special section on Feb. 26, dedicated to stripping citizenship status from criminals who lied about their prior convictions on naturalization forms.
The unit will target “terrorists, war criminals, sex offenders, and other fraudsters” who cheated their way into obtaining citizenship by concealing their criminal histories, according to a statement from the DOJ.
More @ The Epoch Times
Obama Social Engineering Policies Continue to Wreck the Military
Apparently, that last bastion has been overwhelmed without a shot being fired if this announcement by the USMC Commandant is any indication:
More @ Red State
Confederate Monuments were built to Guard the Precious Dust of the Martyred Dead

Today there is a frenzied effort to tear down memorials to the Confederate dead. If you think “frenzied” is too strong a word, take a look at video of the crowds in Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, who resembled (ironically) a lynch mob as they threw ropes around a metal soldier and dragged it to the ground, all the while kicking and shouting profanities at the fallen memorial, and taking pictures with their trophy. It’s as fine an example of mob mentality as you will find and does not paint those who committed the act of vandalism in a flattering light. Such lawless and vulgar behavior suggests that they do not have the moral high ground they claim to occupy.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
CNN: A Baby Surviving An Abortion And A Newborn Aren’t The Same Thing

Following in the media’s kowtowing to abortion activists who seek to change the language to make abortion sound less horrific, CNN is now suggesting there is a difference between a baby who survived an abortion and all other babies.
Following in the media’s kowtowing to abortion activists who seek to change the language to make abortion sound less horrific, CNN is now suggesting there is a difference between a baby who survived an abortion and all other babies.
In an article slanted heavily toward abortion CNN actually described the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act as requiring “abortion providers to work to ‘preserve the life and health’ of a fetus that was born following an attempted abortion as they would for a newborn baby, or face up to five years in prison.”
More @ The Daily Wire
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Old Times There Should Not Be Forgotten

A Review of Old Times There Should Not Be Forgotten (Shotwell Publishing, 2020) by Leslie R. Tucker
If I were to classify my own regional sense of identity, I would say I am a Tennessean born and bred first; second, a North Carolinian by adoption; third, a Southerner, and finally, an American. Like Leslie Tucker, I am disturbed by the destruction of history that continues by means of the removal of Confederate monuments. Supposedly this is due to the War for Southern Independence being caused by slavery and the monuments to Confederate soldiers being built as symbols of racism. Tucker effectively answers this charge in an unusual way: he presents the history of the American South from colonial times to the present day. He attacks a group of historians he calls the “librevs,” or “liberal revisionists,” who seek to disparage the South for slavery and for its racist policies against Blacks that began in the late 1880s and 1890s.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Numbers Show Coronavirus Appears Far Less Deadly Than Flu, But Gov't, Media Keep Promoting Panic
Via Billy
The city-state of Singapore, population 5.6 million, has a face-mask problem. Namely, there aren’t enough of them to go around.
Thanks to the COVID-19 virus — better known as coronavirus — the tiny island right off the southern coast of the Malay Peninsula has had an issue keeping the masks in stock, along with hand sanitizer and other assorted items.
The government ended up subsidizing masks so that every family could have them after people decided to hoard them like they were bottled water in a storm. Pharmacies reported massive shortages of both the masks and sanitizer.
The city-state of Singapore, population 5.6 million, has a face-mask problem. Namely, there aren’t enough of them to go around.
Thanks to the COVID-19 virus — better known as coronavirus — the tiny island right off the southern coast of the Malay Peninsula has had an issue keeping the masks in stock, along with hand sanitizer and other assorted items.
The government ended up subsidizing masks so that every family could have them after people decided to hoard them like they were bottled water in a storm. Pharmacies reported massive shortages of both the masks and sanitizer.
More @ WJ
The Counter-Coup Has Begun
Via Red Pill Jew
I didn’t work for the good general, as my job as strategist to the president, had me working with Steven Bannon who headed the White House’s Strategic Initiatives Group, but I considered Mike a friend, a true battle buddy from the Trump campaign. More than that, I had been one of just a handful of members of the official presidential Transition Team’s NSC staff in the months before the Inauguration, and as such had come to respect and admire the former Defense Intelligence Agency director as a great patriot and fighter.
Why then did I want him to have all 420 members of the bloated NSC we had inherited from the Obama Administration be put through a lie detector test? Because the new administration systematically was being subverted. We had barely moved into our offices and it was as if there hadn’t even been an election, as if 63 million Americans hadn’t chosen a new Chief Executive and the Left was still in control.
If God blesses us again and President Trump is reelected this November, it would be nice to have people working for the man chosen by the American voters to lead them and upon whom we don’t have to use lie detectors.I remember as if it were yesterday, telling President Trump’s National Security Adviser, retired three-star General Mike Flynn: “Get 20 DoJ polygraphers here now and have them do single-scope interviews through the whole bloody building!”
I didn’t work for the good general, as my job as strategist to the president, had me working with Steven Bannon who headed the White House’s Strategic Initiatives Group, but I considered Mike a friend, a true battle buddy from the Trump campaign. More than that, I had been one of just a handful of members of the official presidential Transition Team’s NSC staff in the months before the Inauguration, and as such had come to respect and admire the former Defense Intelligence Agency director as a great patriot and fighter.
Why then did I want him to have all 420 members of the bloated NSC we had inherited from the Obama Administration be put through a lie detector test? Because the new administration systematically was being subverted. We had barely moved into our offices and it was as if there hadn’t even been an election, as if 63 million Americans hadn’t chosen a new Chief Executive and the Left was still in control.
More @ American Greatness
Don Jr: CNN Has Done More Damage Than Russians Ever Dreamed of Doing
Via Billy
Donald Trump Jr. tweeted Monday that CNN has done “more damage” to the integrity of American elections than Russians could have ever dreamed of.
“CNN is so stupid they don’t even understand the irony of how they’ve done more damage than any ‘Russian operation’ could ever have dreamed,” he wrote. “The media has done one hell of a job these past 4 years in attempting to [delegitimize] our election process.”
Trump Jr.’s comments came in response to conservative Twitter personality Nick Short, who had commented on a video of CNN host Brooke Baldwin’s fear-mongering about American democracy being under attack by Russian agents.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted Monday that CNN has done “more damage” to the integrity of American elections than Russians could have ever dreamed of.
“CNN is so stupid they don’t even understand the irony of how they’ve done more damage than any ‘Russian operation’ could ever have dreamed,” he wrote. “The media has done one hell of a job these past 4 years in attempting to [delegitimize] our election process.”
More @ WJ
Mueller and Comey Went After Blago and Trump – Trump Stopped Them – Now Blago Has the Goods on Obama and the Deep State
Never mind the Russians. Former FBI directors Robert Mueller and James Comey and their Deep State masters are the real threat to our republic.
Aided by a complicit media and feckless representatives in Washington DC, Mueller and Comey have so far gotten away with interfering in at least two presidential elections and they may be at it again in 2020.
Their playbook was simple.
In 2008 FBI Director Mueller was so successful at getting a corrupt progressive nobody, U.S. Senator Barack Hussein Obama, into the White House that his successor, Comey, thought he could use the exact same playbook to do the same for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
JEWICIDAL MORONS – Bend the Arc’s new video

Sorry for the use of the uncensored word, but I’m pissed. Royally pissed. Fucking pissed like I’ve not been since I saw that Barbara Spectre video. Note, what I said there, originally written here; The Islamic Invasion: Not Judaism - Leftism (bolding and italics in original):
My reaction was instantaneous: I. Blew. Up. I haven’t been that white-hot livid in a long time. G-d bless my blood pressure. Thankfully I was alone at the time; I was screaming at the computer “Don’t you understand this will make them hate us?”
More @ Red Pill Jew
House GOP to refer criminal charges against Mueller team
Via Billy
As John Solomon reported Monday on his news site Just the News,
newly declassified FBI memos directly conflict with court filings in
which Mueller's team asked a federal judge to send Papadopoulos to
Papadopoulos -- who pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about his contacts with figures purportedly tied to Russia who had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton -- contends he was entrapped by various government intelligence agencies to justify FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign.

FBI memos provide evidence of prosecutors 'lying to the court'
House Republicans led by Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., plan to make criminal referrals on members of Robert Mueller's special counsel team, alleging they lied to a court about former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.
Papadopoulos -- who pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about his contacts with figures purportedly tied to Russia who had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton -- contends he was entrapped by various government intelligence agencies to justify FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign.
More @ WND
"Democrat versions of Robespierre: Get ready for the political version of the guillotine because the sun is setting on your world."
Via Billy
The civil war within the Democrat Party is on full display.
The war pits the overt socialists versus crony capitalists and corrupto-crats and was entirely predictable. Beginning in the ‘60s, sensible conservative Democrats in Congress – the REAL moderates unlike those labeled as such by the legacy media these days – were forced out and replaced by ever more liberal (socialist) Democrats over the years.
conservative Democrat was one who was generally strong on national
security matters and more socially and fiscally conservative than other
Democrats. Most were from states in the South and Midwest and were
grouped as “Dixiecrats” and then, later in the 1980s, “Blue Dog
Examples include George Wallace, Lyndon Johnson, Sam Ervin, Sam Nunn, and Fritz Hollings. They and the rest disappeared over time, as the Democrat Party moved inexorably leftward. These days, there is only one left in the Senate – Joe Manchin (D-WV) – and he has become a reliable vote for Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on all of the truly important issues (like the impeachment votes).

The civil war within the Democrat Party is on full display.
The war pits the overt socialists versus crony capitalists and corrupto-crats and was entirely predictable. Beginning in the ‘60s, sensible conservative Democrats in Congress – the REAL moderates unlike those labeled as such by the legacy media these days – were forced out and replaced by ever more liberal (socialist) Democrats over the years.
Examples include George Wallace, Lyndon Johnson, Sam Ervin, Sam Nunn, and Fritz Hollings. They and the rest disappeared over time, as the Democrat Party moved inexorably leftward. These days, there is only one left in the Senate – Joe Manchin (D-WV) – and he has become a reliable vote for Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on all of the truly important issues (like the impeachment votes).
More @ Red State
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