Saturday, September 12, 2020

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

Via Cousin Jonan
The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns
In February, US Covid guru Anthony Fauci predicted the virus was ‘akin to a severe flu’ and would therefore kill around 0.1 percent of people. Then fatality rate predictions were somehow mixed up to make it look ten times WORSE. 
When you strip everything else out, the reason for lockdown comes from a single figure: one percent.
This was the prediction that Covid, if left unchecked, would kill around one percent of us.

You may not think that percentage is enormous, but one percent of the population of the world is 70 million people – and that’s a lot. It would mean 3.2 million Americans dead, and 670,000 Britons.

But where did this one percent figure come from? You may find this hard to believe, but this figure emerged by mistake. A pretty major thing to make a mistake about, but that’s what happened.

More @ RT


  1. INCOMPETENCE is RIFE! Twas just a rounding error. OOpsie! Anyone could have made the same mistake. We are sooo overworked, don cha know. And my Favorite COMMIE MOMMY LibTURD comeback extraordinaire: "WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MAKE?" And the Gullible SHEEPLES salivated, then gobbled it all up! BULLSCHIFFT!!
