Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Karl Rove is Smiling – Things Are Going Exactly As Planned…

Via avordvet


Within three weeks following the Fox News debate, and amid the reality of a surging Donald Trump, an email arrives from the RNC looking for a $3 donation.  The hook was promising entry into a contest to win tickets to the Colorado Debate.

I’m sure that 99% of the targeted recipients viewed this solicitation as innocuous, just another gimmicky political stunt.  However, for those -like us- watching carefully this email request held additional meaning.

♦ The first flag was the “sender”, it wasn’t a traditional participant in the RNC apparatus, it was actually signed by Karl Rove; when did Karl Rove become an official member inside the RNC apparatus?

♦ Secondly, Karl Rove was in Colorado two days earlier (fox news satellite appearance on Sean Hannity Fox Broadcast from Colorado).  ♦ Third, within 72 hours of the email, Colorado announced cancellation of their primary caucus:

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