Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Truth About the Migrant Crisis

Via comment by Quartermain on Migrants Attack Police, Start Fires at Hungary Bor..."


  1. When a deadbeat bum comes to your door begging for money of he may obsequiously give you his thanks but on his way out he will leave a mark on your gate letting all the other bums know that you're an easy mark. You will then be inundated by a stream of bums with their hands out. Some of them will turn violent when your own circumstances force you to say no to the growing tide. This is exactly what is happening in Europe and along our southern border.

    These people are not here to assimilate or to stroke whatever altruism you feel the need to express. They are here for their own benefit, first, last and only. And if your destruction comes about as part of that then all the better for their plans for colonization.

  2. The phones they are using are bought in bulk and given to their fighters as a signing on payment according to RT

    1. Absolutely, must be orchestrated world wide by the commies.

  3. I read mention of removing some Germans from their homes and putting invaders
    in their place. Wasn't this done in WWII and General Patton refused!

    1. I just checked and that is correct. Thanks.

      "They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I would kick nobody out
      without the successful proof of guilt before a court of law . . ."
