Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Refugees attacking people get hit by car

Via comment by Anonymous on Migrants Attack Police, Start Fires at Hungary Bor.. "I would say this driver was fed up. Good for him. The invaders are a menace to society."
Kill them all. Let God sort them out, well, except he will accept none. :)


  1. I see the guys on the balcony really have balls. That distance would have been a piece of cake for the ol glock 19....hypothetically.....

  2. My how they suffer for one another. LOL Saudia Arabia and 100,000 air conditioned
    tents would be perfect for them. Putin said Europe is Christian and is going to stay
    Christian if he has anything to do about it. No wonder the scum hate him.

    1. Hate away. It's amazing that I appreciate Putin more than the current American president, well he really isn't one, now is he.................?

  3. God will definitely sort this out, and straight to hell with the muslim invaders and Merkel

  4. I wish he was in a truck!! Taken more out!! We will soon get our time for this here, soon enough!!

    1. Yeah and this way will conserve ammo, hadn't thought of that..........:)

  5. Comments on YT indicate this is Kurd vs Turk violence... an anti-terrorism demonstration gone awry... in Switzerland.

    1. in Switzerland.

      Not the Switzerland of my youth, that's for sure.

  6. Good thing that ALL European countries have strict gun laws, someone might have gotten hurt, ;) I don't think that's Switzerland by the way.

    A colleague I work with is from Germany and he is getting daily reports from family of the chaos that Herr Merkel has brought upon her country. Wait for the pitchforks to come out.

    1. Wait for the pitchforks to come out.

      Grab a beer and watch the show. :)

  7. Can you believe YT removed the video for "shocking and disgusting content."
    I thought it was hilarious.

    1. Too bad and I just searched for another one, but found nothing. I don't know what the big deal was as I didn't even see blood. :)

    2. I don't either. It's not like we have never seen such as this before besides
      its not their job to protect people but to secure our liberties.
      I didn't know anyone was killed until I got to the bottom of your site.
      All about control like Japan is on the verge of controlling its populace
      critical thinking skills.
      Think Charles Manson crime scene - blood everywhere. YT video.
      I guess the Kurds and the Turks are mortal enemies.

    3. I guess the Kurds and the Turks are mortal enemies.

      Yes and the Kurds are good to go.

  8. Thankfully, did not see any Kurdish women in this lot. Who in the heck had the
    car. They just arrived and already have a pretty new model vehicle. Strange.

    1. Don't know, but could have just been a citizen that wanted to get through without assault.

  9. Yea, that's what I think. A citizen who wasn't not going to deal with it.
