Monday, February 6, 2012

Letter from Lt Col Daniel L. Davis: A fulcrum that can move a nation

A historical analogy is the briefing *Lt. Colonel John Paul Vann (US Army) gave to the senior Army leadership in Washington during June and July 1963, with statistical evidence proving that the military’s reporting about the Vietnam War was incorrect. It was suppressed, although some details slowly leaked into the press through a few brave journalists (as rare then as now). Let’s see if the actions of this brave man produce larger results than those of Vann.

Via Looking in the Mirror

Please read this letter from Daniel L. Davis (Lt Colonel, US Army). He has set in motion forces that can change America, but only if we choose to help. Pass this on to your Congressmen, Senators, local newspapers, associate, friends, and relatives. If we stand together we can reclaim America. Today is an opportunity to start this process.

δῶς μοι πᾶ στῶ καὶ τὰν γᾶν κινάσω (Give me a fulcrum, and we shall move the nation.)
— Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC), my translation

This letter is reprinted with permission. See his website here.

My Dearest Friends,

I haven’t talked to many of you in awhile, but so the rest of this makes sense, I was deployed to Afghanistan for a year between November 2010 and October 2011. I saw many things during that deployment — the fourth combat deployment of my career — that I found disturbing. Eventually I felt morally obligated to do something about what I saw to such an extent that iI was incapable of not acting. Here’s what I’ve done and things that are being done as a result.