Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Obama’s fourth dimension



Obama is an orthodox Marxist who has vicious contempt for the values and principles of the bourgeois world, and he embraces revolutionary Marxism, seeking to lift the veil of bourgeois ideology and to allow the “scientific” struggle to emerge. So he has the people who vote for a living on his side and aligned against the people who work for a living. He has a special government class of public employees aligned, much like an army, against the taxpayers who pay them. He has the public sector aligned against the private sector (the goose). And internationally he has reinvigorated radicals in the Middle East as scavengers of the bourgeois carcass in Europe.

As the best trained and most committed Marxist since Lenin. living behind a veil of deceit and political correctness, and with violent malice toward bourgeois society, particularly American society, Obama is determined to ruin America and the West. Not only does he have no interest in their success; he has no interest in their survival.


  1. "As the best trained, and most committed Marxist since Lenin"..... and most who fill the halls of education and the "press" endeavor daily to be as committed as he....
