Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Prisoners of War Betrayed

Via Billy


  1. Political expediency always takes precedence over human life. Every government can "justify" that axiom on the hyperbole that the lives of the many are worth the sacrifice of the few.

    In actuality it's just politicos of all stripe jealously guarding their own agenda and power to carry that agenda out. The security of the state or the safety of the citizens -- even their warriors -- are secondary to the guarding of their position in the governing elites and the spreading of their absolute control.

    1. Speaking of leaving men behind.


  2. Hate it happened BUT those GIs were NOT doing us any favors. They were NOT fighting for our freedom. Matter of fact they were in fact fighting against us! Can you grasp that? They had NO business forcing others' views on a distinct and sovereign country and people. Who are we to tell another country how to live? Who are you to tell others how to live? The reality of it is, those captured soldiers got by easy! For it was they who were wrong. Same applies today for Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  3. I will add, to help clarify. I have a close friend who was in Nam. He was a medic and a body prepper, sending bodies home. He knows where I am coming and agrees. He says he terribly regrets going over there and fighting a people which was none of his or our business.

    My friend suffers from the same problems all 18-20 yo's suffer. They are young and dumb. They thought they were doing a good and patriotic thing at the time. He said so himself. As a person grows older they learn more about life and the world around them. He learned long after the fact that the war as are most all wars are NOT to free anyone, but to actually restrain them in some way. Nam was no different. Korea was no different. Even WWII and WWI was no different. You fight a war, ANY war to protect what is yours, NOT to gain anything! No one is gaining anything by fighting another country under the pretext of freeing them! That's asinine. You can ONLY fight a war against one who is directly attacking you. Maybe everyone should refresh themselves by looking at Maj Gen Smedley Butler's video on YouTube, "War is a Racket".

    I can honor anyone who thinks and tries they are doing something right, not knowing any better. All the guys ever in service THOUGHT they were doing the right things at the time. And I can sympathize with their losses. But I cannot condone, agree with what they done, and I cannot say they didn't in some ways deserve what they got by being over there. Afterall it was them who was causing suffering and killing people who actually had held nothing against them previously. Similar can be said for the Muslims, although that doesn't mean I agree with them being over here now....

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

    1. Does that apply to the Civil War?
