Tuesday, June 18, 2013

See 'Constitution teacher' get violent

Blasts campaign to have Christianity in schools, slugs cameraman with purse. 

A woman who described herself as a teacher of the U.S. Constitution has gone ballistic over a ministry effort at a gasoline station in Florida to drum up support for its campaign to teach the ethics, morality and responsibility of the Bible in public schools. 

It happened with several folks who work with the You Can Run But You Cannot Hide ministry, which is a nonprofit run by rock star Bradlee Dean to reach out to America’s next generation “through principles of morality, true freedom, and personal responsibility.” 

The organization explains its mission is to “equip our next generation with the Christian values that made America great through a unique avenue of music and educational event forums in colleges, schools, churches, festivals, and arenas.” 

The goal is to present that message in schools. 

Jake MacAulay, a spokesman for the ministry, told WND it happened at a station in Davie, Fla., just a few days ago. 

The woman verbally and physically attacked ministry workers Elizabeth Ilse and Chase Schomberg. 

“Ilse was standing behind one of her ministry’s tables while distributing Christian literature to those visiting the gas station. She simply said, ‘Hello,’ to the woman, but after approaching and reading the sign on the ministry’s table that said, ‘Support Christianity in Public Schools, 

The Constitution, and Honoring Soldiers,’ the woman viciously attacked the cause by screaming ‘shame on you for wanting Christianity in schools,’ calling Miss Ilse a ‘bigot,’ and [she] stated that ‘Christians are the problem.’” 

More @ WND


  1. I posted a reply to a Matt Heimbach post on Traditionalist Youth a little while ago, that seems relevant. With Christianity, its either with us or against us, it doesn't matter what creed a person claims to adhere to. If a person is not Christian, they are, or will become, anti-Christian, they can't help it.

    1. If a person is not Christian, they are, or will become, anti-Christian, they can't help it.

      I really don't know about that, though maybe it is true in some cultures, however it definitely is not the case among Vietnamese, for instance.
