Monday, July 22, 2013

Goodies from Ol' Remus


 art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg If you count yourself among those who have been eagerly awaiting a reversal of the U.S. State Department's 2010 action blocking the planned importation of some 87,000 M1 Garand rifles and M1 Carbines from South Korea, relief may be on the way, says J. Absher in this article, Bill Takes Aim at Blocked M1 Garand Imports, at Shooting Illustrated.. . . . .

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg The state must be prepared to handcuff, arrest, detain, and incarcerate people for disobeying gun laws, most of whom have done no harm to anyone. If the person resists, the state resorts to lethal force. Take the state out of the question and you see the problematic violence inherent in gun control. Reasonable people would perhaps accept the moral defensibility of busting down someone's door to stop a rape or murder. Far fewer would defend breaking down someone's door just to take his guns away, says Anthony Gregory in this article, Gun Control Is Violence, at Future of Freedom Foundation.

 art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere "scrap of paper." The criminals who have seized illegitimate power in Washington cannot survive unless truth can be suppressed or redefined as treason, says Paul Roberts in this article, Coup d’etat.

 art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Test yourself on the century-old material and see if you think contemporary education is better, inadequate or just plain different, says Josie Hollingsworth in this article, Are you smarter than an (1912) 8th grader?, at Mother Nature Network.

 art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Zimmerman trial - The coverage was so craftedly witless and dishonest that it was easy to suspect a conspiracy. Stupidity beyond a certain point can only be a work of intelligence. It was certainly dangerous behavior. In the cities there are large black populations who get all their news from television. These can easily be incited to violence. The strategic brilliance of declaring war on those who grow your food and sign your checks might be lost on Sun Tzu, says Fred Reed in this article, Zimmerman, The Joy of Hopelessness, at Fred On Everything.

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg FOIA Machine is a software solution to the nitty-gritty of submitting FOIA requests. Much in the same way that Turbo Tax offers a universal platform for navigating complex and varied state rules, FOIA Machine is a broad platform that can navigate the particular procedures of each state, as well as federal regulations, says Kelsey Atherton in this article, Free Software Tool Aims To Fight Government Secrecy, at Popular Science.

The first illegal act by either party was when Martin sucker punched Zimmerman. At that point, Martin became the aggressor, and Zimmerman had to defend himself... He chose to become the aggressor, and took on the risk that he could be killed. The arm chair tough guys can call Zimmerman a wuss all they want, but those are the facts... Martin got justice.  Had Martin even punched Zimmerman, then run home, he would be alive now.  Everything that happened to Martin happened because of decisions Martin made.
Poly Kahr at art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif

A substantial fraction of American Negroes is claiming, in effect, that when a white man kills a black man, the white man is guilty of murder regardless of any other considerations or contextual factors. The demand for such a departure from the ancient law of self-defense, specifically to favor Negroes, is a demand for a separate sovereignty demarcated by race.
Francis Porretto at

Detroit - Forty-seven percent of adults are functionally illiterate, which is about the same rate as the Central African Republic, which at least has the excuse that it was ruled throughout the Seventies by a cannibal emperor. Why would any genuine innovator open a business in a Detroit "innovation hub"? Whom would you employ? The illiterates include a recent president of the school board, Otis Mathis.
Mark Steyn at 

Recall that the increasing use of police power is the consequence of a decline in legitimacy. Therefore we would expect that with less legitimacy there would be more surveillance, more cops, more propaganda. And that is exactly what one sees. Coercion and propaganda are being substituted for consent... That is why nobody seems to care about re-establishing faith in the justice system anymore. "Destroy it and deliver the pieces over to us" is more like it.
Richard Fernandez at

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