Friday, December 13, 2013

Mark Levin Refuted: Keep the Feds in Check with Nullification, not Amendments!


What Mark Levin says in “The Liberty Amendments” in support of an Article V convention is not true.1

On one side of this controversy are those who want to restore our Constitution by requiring federal and State officials to obey the Constitution we have; or by electing ones who will.  We show that the Oath of Office at Art. VI, last clause, requires federal 2 and state officials to support the Constitution.
This requires them to refuse to submit to – to nullify – acts of the federal government which violate the Constitution.  This is how they “support” the Constitution!

We note that the Oath of Office requires obedience to the Constitution alone.  The Oath does not require obedience to persons, to any agency of the federal government, or to any federal court.

We understand that resistance to tyranny is a natural right – and it is a duty.

We have read original writings of our Framers and know what our Framers actually told the States to do when the federal government violates the Constitution: Nullification of the unlawful act is among the first of the recommended remediesnot one of which is “amendment of the Constitution”. 3  

It is already proved in James Madison Rebukes Nullification Deniers, that our Framers endorsed nullification by States of unconstitutional acts of the federal government.  Thomas Jefferson and James Madison summed it up as follows:

“…when powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act4 is “the natural right, which all admit to be a remedy against insupportable oppression…”


  1. Well someone has got some sense instead of Levin's non-sense!

    This is the crux of the problem.
    "We have read original writings of our Framers and know what our Framers actually told the States to do when the federal government violates the Constitution: Nullification of the unlawful act is among the first of the recommended remedies – not one of which is “amendment of the Constitution”.

    The states did EXACTLY as the above stated, except nullification was bypassed. (This can be justified.)

    Understand that you are NOT living under the laws of a Republic any longer. The states trying to uphold Constitutional Law lost in their efforts to do so. Lincoln unconstitutionally read and interpreted the US Constitution in order his will be satisfied. Congress unconstitutionally agreed with him. Neither of which was Constitutionally in power at that time. By this happening the USA went from being a Republic to being a Federal Democratic Union- Forced. Lincoln said so himself, stating he had destroyed the Republic.

    The above being true, and it is, the US Constitution was changed in the way it was interpreted and understood. The spirit of the Law was lost and replaced by the color of the law. No one challeged Lincoln's and Congress' authority once the war was over and they become the defacto rulers of the new country, with a new set of rules on how the US Constitution was to be interpreted and bills made into laws. The new way didn't necessarily need the literal understanding and interpretation of the US Constituion for guidence in following law, but only the appearance. The politics of DC became tyrannical and dictatorial as anyone having the power and votes could pass any law and enforced regardless to the US Constitution as long as enuff people and or the right agency of the Federal Government would justify it. Even the president could now pass laws according to his command if he so desired.

    So, the original USA as a real Republic lasted only 79 years, and Patrick Henry predicted this very thing. Your original government ceased in 1865, making your new government about 149 years old. Yet the people have been falsely led to believe they still live under and follow the original US Constitution.

    So, wake up and small the coffee. You will never have your old original Constitutional back peacefully, but only by force. That is the way tyranny works. My grandpa told me near 50 years ago that the war wasn't over because of these things. He said I would live to see it start again. He said my mother *may* live to see it start again, but he wouldn't. My mother is still living...... I believe it is close at hand.

    You can now forget Amendments or nullification, although always trying to peacefully right a wrong is good. But I'm afraid you only have two choices now. 1: You can submit to them and become their total slaves. Or, 2: You have no other choice but to fight them. As for myself, I'm sitting this one out, as I have no country to fight for, and none that can be regained. Not in this day and age......

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

    1. 1: You can submit to them and become their total slaves. Or, 2: You have no other choice but to fight them.

      Increasingly, it is looking so.
