Friday, February 14, 2014

Another liberal activist judge inadvertently strengthens gun rights in America

A federal judge, US District Judge John Heyburn II, has ruled that the state of Kentucky MUST recognize same-sex marriages that were performed in other states.

The state of Kentucky had passed a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriages in the state and part of that amendment was to not recognize such marriages from other states.

Judge Heyburn ruled that the exclusion of marriages from other states was unconstitutional based off of the following rationale, that Kentucky’s laws treat gay and lesbians differently in a “way that demeans them.”

Heyburn DIDN’T say that the state of Kentucky had to perform same-sex marriages but that they did have to recognize the marriage licenses from other states.

Now, THIS is where things get interesting.


  1. An identical ruling was also handed down to Virginia. In Virginia's case, its own Attorney General and Governor were aggressively working to overturn the law. So let's keep all this in mind anytime some Leftist gets indignant about ObamaCare being "law of the land" and all that.

    This whole controversy has nothing to do with equality before the law, and everything to do with a client demographic of the Left not liking the way a social institution is defined. These laws merely codify the fact that marriage is the union of a single man and a single woman. Nothing in that definition singles out homosexuals for discrimination. They can legally marry, it just has to be to someone of the opposite sex. Oh, they don't like that? Well there are people who want to marry animals too. Or siblings. Or more than 1 person. I guess we'll have to dignify every conceivable permutation now, won't we?

    This is another illustration of an important fact in this Culture War: the Left is not allowed to lose. They will never concede defeat, and are always looking for a way to see that their vision of America is enforced over yours and mine. Very often this comes in the form of the courts, which the Left have converted into a backup legislature conveniently given unelected lifetime appointments.

    I do thank the Leftists for all this, in a way. They have done a phenomenal job of hardening my heart over the years. When things become extracurricular, as surely they will, I will have by that time the equivalent of a PhD in being merciless and deaf to their pleas and lamentations.

    1. I do thank the Leftists for all this, in a way. They have done a phenomenal job of hardening my heart over the years. When things become extracurricular, as surely they will, I will have by that time the equivalent of a PhD in being merciless and deaf to their pleas and lamentations.

      Priceless!:) Just love it and so shall I, Ma'am.
