Saturday, March 15, 2014

Putin Moves in on Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine: The Russian defense ministry confirmed that it had ordered new military exercises in the regions of Belgorod and Kursk, which are near the border of eastern Ukraine. The exercises are to continue until the end of March.

"The main aim... is a multi-faceted check of the units' cohesiveness followed by the performance of battle training assignments in unfamiliar terrain and untested firing ranges," the defense ministry said..

Belarus: The government in Minsk confirmed that it requested Russia to deploy extra fighter jets and military transport aircraft to Belarus.The request was in reaction to US/NATO reinforcement of Poland. Russia sent six Su-27 fighters and three transport aircraft.

Comment: The new exercises look like a cover for real preparations for an incursion. The Russian announcement stated that a limited number of men plus artillery and rocket launchers were involved in the exercises. However, local bloggers have posted to the web images of at least a battalion of Russian tanks unloading from rail cars, which the Russiansneglected to mention.

Russia apparently has not made the final decision to occupy additional portions of eastern Ukraine, but President Putin soon will have that option readily available.

Ukraine: A Ukrainian news outlet posted a report on 13 March that three people were killed during clashes between pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian groups on Thursday evening in Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine. The leader of the right-wing, anti-Russian Svoboda party in Donetsk called for an investigation into police inaction and called for local police chiefs to be fired.

Comment: Such clashes strenghten the Russian case for intervention.

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