Tuesday, September 9, 2014

“Our Present Is Your Future” or "A WARNING TO AMERICA"

Via Jonathan

Below is the prepared text of the speech given in Chanhassen, Minnesota tonight by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, at an event sponsored by SW Metro Tea Party Patriots and ACT! for America, Minneapolis Chapter.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for inviting me here to Chanhassen. It’s the first time I’ve been to Minnesota, and I must say it’s a pleasure to be here. The closest I came to this part of the country was when I lived in Chicago, but that was many years ago.

I have always admired the Tea Party Movement, contrary to most of my fellow Austrians, who are uneducated when it comes to the historical significance of the original Boston Tea Party. What I admire most is that you are nourished by the very American belief that the government does not have the answers, that reform comes from below, that people are wiser than their leaders.

I bring you greetings from Austria. I’d like to be able to report some happy news, but there is little good news to be had in my country. Austria, like most of the rest of Western Europe, is being Islamized at an accelerating pace, even as our freedom of speech is more and more often suppressed. The two processes are connected with each other: in order to prevent any real public understanding of what Islamization means, and to inhibit any popular discontent, the ability to tell the truth is vigorously squashed.


  1. War is coming and I am afraid within my lifetime. We have so many enemies at the gates of freedom it is hard to name just one. Our own government wants a police state. Our southern border is being overrun by invaders. Banks are stealing our money. Corporations are profiting by selling poison to us. Islam is at war around the world. Liberal and progressives are using schools and colleges to indoctrinate our children to become drone to the state. Any one of them would make a formidable foe but combined almost insurmountable. I don’t have an answer I will say aloud but I do know when TSHTF have a plan. Know the enemies that live in your area. Study Mao and Stalin they may have been communist but they were not stupid. In their writings, you will find answers on how to make the aftermath a world in which we want to live.

    Also checkout


    Watch the video it really says the way it is.


    1. I remember the video, but didn't know the story. Thanks.

  2. The Austrians and us Americans are loosing our freedom of speech because we allow it. If the PC folks say you shouldn't say a particular word then that's all the more
    reason to say it. Us on the right are polite by nature and don't want to offend so we give in while those on the radical side (both left wingers and ethnic groups) rub our face in their lifestyle and language until we accept it. We need to treat them as we are treated until they get over it or get used to it and back off. CH

  3. "those on the radical side" both left and ethnic groups, disgust me. There, I've said it.

    1. Those were awfully tame words for what I would say. :)
