Tuesday, August 18, 2015

More Foolishness: Remove the Southern belle from her inglorious perch

Via Terry


My friend Anita  who I will visit in the next few weeks at Welbourne where I spent many a day/night as a child.

When administrators at the University of Georgia declared a ban on hoop skirts in the spring, I could only think, what took you so long?
More at the Washington Rag


  1. At this rate speaking with a drawl or saying y'all will soon be banned as racist hate speech. Seriously the irrationality of these people's hatred knows no boundaries.

    1. I commented at the site that her piece should be a parody. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so serious since they would kill any who don't agree with their commie program if they could get away with it. It was 25,000,000 in the eighties, so they'd have to up the total today.

  2. "After the mass murder of nine African American churchgoers, allegedly by a white supremacist who blatantly linked his views with the Confederate banner"..
    I think this Roof incident was a total set-up designed to do just what they accomplished.
    History is full of their schemes. The Confederate flag had nothing to do with anything.

    1. who blatantly linked his views with the Confederate banner

      Blatantly linked his views? What by having a picture of him with the flag? Imbecile. What about the one burning an American flag? Of course, we know that this is all made to simply push their commie agenda ever forwards.

  3. Cowards, one and all. Actually falling for this PC crap. Gullible slaves.

    1. Should be an article in MAD Magazine, but sadly, it's not. Thanks.
