Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mayor wants to shame welfare recipients by posting addresses online

Via Billy

Mayor wants to shame welfare recipients by posting addresses online

A Maine mayor is proposing a controversial name-and-shame strategy for welfare recipients, saying he plans to push a bill requiring the state to publish the names and addresses and other details for “every individual on the dole.”

Robert Macdonald, mayor of Lewiston, Maine, pitched the plan in his regular column for the Twin City Times. He noted that a website already lists information on state pensioners, and complained that “liberal, progressive legislators” think similar information on welfare recipients should be private.


  1. ehh - that's a little much I think. Just like newspapers can't/shouldn't publish CCW addresses, they shouldn't publish addresses of those on welfare. Though, it IS NY.. so maybe they should do it just so us normal people can laugh at the fall out...

    I say just make it mandatory that while on the dole. and single, you have to do 'x' amount of community service through a verifiable source, and you get 6 months. Married with children get 12. Have the city contract with a temp agency (properly bid and completely transparent to prevent crony bullshit) to act as a funnel for the people on the dole to go through on a weekly basis until they get a job. At which point, they are immediately removed from the welfare roles and cannot be re-enrolled for at least 12 months.
    I know this is simplistic but you get the idea.
    Stop coddling the lazy, motivate them to get off their asses as well as help those in need get work.

    1. Stop coddling the lazy, motivate them to get off their asses as well as help those in need get work.

      101% Dammit!

    2. Untill we stop spending tax dollars to support business I could care care less about a family getting a handout. Regardless of the fact they are lazy or not. If the state of Alabama can take my money and spend it to put up traffic lights for the new wal mart that was also brought into town with taxpayers money I just cant complain about helping those folks that need a hand.

    3. I believe that the point is: How many really do need help? I'm 71 and if I needed money I would be driving a cab within a day or two or doing what ever was necessary to keep going. "Welfare" should come from your family/community.

    4. I belive the point is: how much help does walmart need to build a new store?

    5. I understand your concern, but communities front money in hopes of receiving more back from businesses such as Walmart, rightly or wrongly, but this has nothing to do with the price of eggs in China with welfare for lazy asses.

    6. Brock, please dont misunderstand the point im trying to make. I live in Alabama. The taxoayers have built a Mercedes plant, a Tyssen Krupp steel mill, a remington factory and numerous other things THAT TAXPAYERS FUNDED. Its CORPORATE WELFARE.

    7. No sir, taking my money for the good of the community is socialism at best.

    8. May be, but far from my concern these days where there may be blood running in the streets. Thanks.

    9. Well Brock ill agree with you, they should post the name of every person than has taken a handout as long as they post the name of every company that has taken a handout .

  2. Ahh darn it - correct that last one. I misread - thought this was in NY- it's in Maine.
    I don't nearly hate Maine as much as I hate NY so.. ;)

  3. A big problem is..there is no sense of shame. People think they are entitled to the products of other's labor. Lazy.

    Look at all the willing people who go on reality tv. Shameful, embaressing behavior for their 15 min of fame and some $.
    Not everyone, but quite a lot of people.
