Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tracing The Origin of The Modern Republican Party Agenda…

 Via Mike "This is a very informative but disturbing article. Basic theme: The agenda of the RNC, the GOP establishment, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are basically identical,  and its political financing comes first and foremost from the U.S. Chamber, but huge chunks also come from the Koch Brothers and others. They want:
1. "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" including amnesty and tripling of legal foreign immigration and guest workers, i.e. cheap labor
2. TPP
3. Keeping and maintaing Obamacare.
They don't care about social issues and don't want GOP political campaigns focused on anything by economics and taxes.
Their power has increased immensely since the Supreme Court's favorable ruling on the Citizens United  case, which liberalizwd PAC spending considerably."


 cruz McConnell

Sometimes Conspiracies are not Just Theory
Sometimes when you find yourself in a disconcerting and unfamiliar place, it can be beneficial to stop, look back and understand just how we ended up in this terrain.  The professional DC consultant class are benefiting from the current climate of chaos, and they certainly don’t want anyone to review the consequential and intentional steps it took to get here.

When the Tea Party rose up in opposition to President Obama’s indulgent spending programs in 2009 many were under the mistaken assumption the opposing party, the republicans, were against the progressive agenda based on principle.


  1. Following up on yesterday's post.

    1. Well done. Thanks.
