Saturday, August 10, 2019

State Gun Control in America: A Historic Guide to Major State Gun Control Laws and Acts

Via Alex "All of the misinformation regarding gun control and red flag laws is driving me crazy so please share this piece that we wrote explaining exactly what they are and how they came to be."

 Gun Control in America: A Historic Guide to Major State Acts

The Second Amendment guarantees American citizens the right to bear arms, but both federal and state governments determine how citizens may legally exercise that right. And while both federal and state gun control laws regularly change, laws at the state level change more frequently and often without the media coverage that surrounds changes at the federal level.

This results in a constant challenge for gun owners to keep up with the latest state laws, especially for those who carry their weapons across state lines. Because while some states have more restrictions than others, state gun control policies across the country are diverse and can change quickly – too easily putting responsible gun owners on the wrong side of the law.


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