Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Eternal White Guilt Trip

Via David

 Image result for The Eternal White Guilt Trip
 Great movie.

Mark Bauerlein in American Greatness:

“The deliberate national penance that most Germans take for granted offers a striking contrast with the ways American have confronted their own national crimes.”

That’s a line from an article last month in The Atlantic. The article focuses on a supposedly sad divergence: while Germans have fully acknowledged their responsibility for the Holocaust and accepted their guilt, Americans have failed to do the same with their history of slavery and Jim Crow.


  1. Why should I feel any guilt? My dad's ancestors weren't over here yet and my sainted mom's were Irish slaves here since before the founding of the Republic. Where are my reparations? Where are the guilt of those who brought them over and of the blacks? Once they were here my ancestors were kicked to the curb to fend for them selves and were treated far worse then blacks were.

    1. Both my sides from 1709 onward had slaves. So?

    2. Exactly Mr Brock, it was way before our time and we got over it and made it better by pulling ourselves by our own bootstraps.

    3. pulling ourselves by our own bootstraps.

      Without welfare.

  2. Oh, I don't know.....1.5 Million American casualties. Of which 620,000 were killed; to slug it out and defeat slavery once and for all over four long years should be enough penance for any sane person.

  3. Where are our duly deserved reparations at, we got dumped with
    the plague. When the word 'slave' is mentioned I think of the
    Irish. We’ve all been taught the horrors of the African slave trade. It’s in all the school books and in plenty of Hollywood movies. But for some reason the largest group of slaves in the British Colonies in the 17th Century doesn’t get mentioned at all;
    the Irish.

  4. At one time or another, most peoples have been enslaved. Islam is still in the slave trade...go after them. Frankly, I am sick of the whining on one hand and on the other black congress critters are calling for the death of our President. Get over yourselves!
