Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Dixie, Quo Vadis?


Many today feel that true Southerners living in the eleven States of the former Confederacy are, in many ways, once again fighting for their very existence and face the dismal prospect of the South they once knew becoming, as in Margaret Mitchel’s classic novel, a dream that will all too soon be gone with the wind.  Virtually everything they now hold dear in regard to what constitutes their vision of Dixie seems to be under siege.   Sadly, however, the enemy is not merely at the gates of the South, but like the Yankee invaders of 1861, they are already within its walls.  Unlike Lincoln’s legions of over a century ago who came to destroy the South with the sword, this new invading army, one that began its entry into the South a few decades after the War Between the States, came initially with far more benign intentions.  Only in recent years did the mad desire to tear down all Southern heritage and tradition again rear its ugly head.    

More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. The Vance Monument in Asheville is being dismantled. What I don't
    understand is where are the good people of Buncombe Cnty who are generational at to defend
    their heritage. The ones who want it gone are alien invaders from
    some communist state. They're freaks and don't fit in but have
    taken over like the Bolsheviks.

    1. The ones who want it gone are alien invaders from some communist state. They're freaks and don't fit in but have taken over like the Bolsheviks.

      Racissssstttt has them cowering. :(
