Saturday, May 8, 2021

CNN Guest Refuses To Take The ‘Bait,’ Contradicts Don Lemon On Slavery

CNN’s Don Lemon seemed to find himself in an uncomfortable position on Wednesday night, as the guest he invited to bolster his argument about slavery ended up contradicting him instead. 

The talk show host made numerous claims about how the Constitution “valued” slaves — and, as his featured expert obliquely noted, Lemon manifestly got his facts wrong.

More @ The Daily Wire


  1. Gee another lying piece of crap calling themselves a history professor. Both his and Lemon's arguments defy logic. But since when has logic and reason played any part in leftist propaganda and lies.
    They won't address why the constitution banned the further importation of slaves after 1806 or that Virginia had already banned the further importation before the Declaration of Independence. Neither wi they ever mention that the first registered slave owner in Virginia was a black man who went to court to change the status of his own family members from indentured servants to that of property.

    1. Inconvenience facts for the commies.....After all they'll only have to kill 50 million this time......

  2. lemon is just another communist mouthpiece. What can we expect, he works for the communist news network.
