Monday, June 3, 2013

NC: Special Report: Unmasking Hidden Agendas

Via Craig

Glen Bradley came to our first PATCON and I believe he is a good man.

The North Carolina Republican Party is about to be rocked to its foundations.

Evidence is building that political leaders alien to the Republican platform and traditions have been working undercover to subvert the traditional standards for recruitment of young people into the Party.

They are the future of the GOP – and if loyalties, personal character and motives are compromised, it will be to the peril of the Party at large.

Here’s some of the disturbing information we uncovered in discussions with loyal Republican stalwarts who agreed to cooperate upon assurance of anonymity:

VS: What are you concerned about? This sounds like quite an incendiary issue, coming on the eve of the 2013 North Carolina Republican Party convention.


I would say we are very concerned about certain people who are looking to welcome radical factions into our Party, some of whom even condone violence, like the OCCUPY movement. The ring leaders of this effort to invade the GOP are active with OCCUPY, but are masquerading as traditional conservatives, as well as Libertarians, then working to link radicals to the Tea Party. They claim that OCCUPY and the Tea Party have a lot in common, which they do not. It’s a deceitful attemp to radicalize the Tea Party and even the conservative North Carolina Republican Party. We are urgently suggesting that these destructive attempts be exposed and rejected. These are dangerous precedents that most in our Party somehow are not aware of.

VS: How did this information come to light?


  1. Sounds like some libertarians have snuck in!

    The left approaches politics like its a life and death war. That's why they're winning, its all they do. To them everything is reduced to politics, while the right reduces everything to economics.

    Maybe this will galvanize the real conservatives and end up a good thing.

    1. Sounds like some libertarians have snuck in!

      The left approaches politics like its a life and death war. That's why they're winning, its all they do.
      To them everything is reduced to politics, while the right reduces everything to economics. & freedom!
