Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Obama Commits High Treason

Via Michael

The list of high crimes and misdemeanors against this Imperial Dictator now ruling us continues to mount.
In this particular case Obama committed Statutory Violation of the Defense Authorization Act by providing felony materiel support to terrorism by returning 5 Command Personnel to the Taliban.

 There is no exemption for the CINC for that provision of Federal law but Obama asserts he has the authority to do so at his own discretion.


  1. Head line reads, "Obama Commits High Treason". Well, no s--t Sherlock! And you know what? He has and will continue to commit high treason and a damn thing is going to be done about it. That's right not a damn thing. All of the Congress critters are useless. They have willing let the Oval Office assume powers that per the Constitution are theirs alone and have done nothing to stop the abuse. They are too busy lining their own pockets to care. The courts are either partisan corrupts or rule by fools.
    Sure there will be the usual whining and expressing of outrage, but nothing will be done. There will be the usual delusional, out of touch reality fantasies that things will be different and the crooks will be voted out of office come this Nov. Elections are a joke. Antichrist Obama will NOT leave office, until he is good and ready to step down.
    Anyone who thinks he will leave office at the end of term two is NOT dealing with reality. What sits in the Oval office is not a president but a dictator.
    Bottom line is that you are s--t out of luck. And most people don't know how totally screwed they really are, as long as the illusion of the status quo is maintained and they still can watch TV, and the EBT cards work - they will do nothing.

    1. as long as the illusion of the status quo is maintained and they still can watch TV, and the EBT cards work - they will do nothing.

      Cut them both off and that should o it.

  2. I am ready to give the American people a break and some new belief in their government by arresting the man in the Whitehouse now. What a shock that would be. A nice shock.
