Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Open letter to a vile, slimey weasel dick, girly man parading as an American.

Via Cousin John



Dear Harry,

I along with millions of other Americans saw your interview. I am what you describe as an Domestic TERRORIST. I work every day, I put in more hours than you could imagine. I don't get to adjourn then go home for a month. I pay taxes, a lot of taxes. Harry are you politicians not paid by taxes? 

Now you said Cliven Bundy doesn't pay fees,or taxes. The fees are well documented on TV the last few weeks. Hasn't paid taxes? Harry at this point, I am afraid I gotta call you a Liar! We all know if his Taxes weren't paid, your Goon squad ( IRS) would have long ago shown up, seized his holdings, evicted the family, and sold the land, buildings,l ivestock,etc. Liar, this is one of the few things I have ever posted without researching, why? Because the illegal agency known as the IRS does Not allow Taxes to Not be paid! I have researched the IRS, ILLEGAL.

Now as far as those who showed up to support MR Bundy, Domestic Terrorists? Right? That is what you called them. Harry those who showed up are regular ole Americans. We work and pay taxes so you can live your life on High looking down your nose at us, and calling us TERRORISTs, yet you don't want to Profile real Terrorists because it might hurt their feelings.


  1. What is depressing is that the American public accepts being lied to by their elected officals as acceptable behavior. So if it ok to lie and mislead, then you will get more of the same. Harry Reid will never be voted out of office. He knows that he can commit ANY illeagal action to stay in office, in power, and not a damn thing will be done about it.

    1. What is depressing is that the American public accepts being lied to by their elected officals as acceptable behavior.

      Mind boggling.
