Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ebola victims without symptoms can still be contagious


A group of German medical doctors in a peer-reviewed medical journal article published by Oxford University Press have challenged a key assumption regarding the Ebola virus repeatedly asserted by Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

More @ WND


  1. I've been asking if this (pre-symtomatic contagiousness) was a possibiliy since July, freaking July!! The CDC, the government hacks and PR flacks will continue to deny the possibility until it. Becomes an undeniable reality. And then they will declare martial law and whatever semblance of civil rights and lyberty will become but a dream.

    1. they will declare martial law and whatever semblance of civil rights and lyberty will become but a dream.

      That might be what it takes for the sheeple to wake up.

  2. I'd believe the German medical doctors any day over CDC Freken. As a matter of
    fact, the CDC is a for-profit organization. So you see, they are going to protect
    their profit margin.
