Monday, September 21, 2020


 Via Angie 


 Image may contain: text that says 'I'll run over and pick up both our welfare checks, then drop by the University to see what's holding up our Federal Education Grants. You go by the free clinic for a pregnancy test. If it's positive, fill out the paperwork for government assistance, baby bonus and WIC. Oh, recharge our food stamp cards and pick up my free glasses. let's meet back at noon at the State House for the mass picketing against the greedy Republicans who want us to go get JOBS!'


  1. This is from a 1960's cartoon. The language is modified to fit into present day norms. Things seem to never change, just the people that are causing it.

  2. Ain't it the damn TRUTH. Both then and today. Takers and Makers, Popularity vs Principles. Some Folks Never Change.
