This report studies 8,954 individual updates to the vote totals in all 50 states and finds that four individual updates — two of which were widely noticed on the internet, including by the President — are profoundly anomalous; they deviate from a pattern which is otherwise found in the vast majority of the remaining 8,950 vote updates. The findings presented by this report [28]suggest that four vote count updates — which collectively were decisive in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and thus decisive of a critical forty-two electoral votes — are especially anomalous and merit further investigation.
In particular, the finding that the broader data follows general patterns and our ability to measure just how much any individual vote update does — or doesn’t — follow this pattern allows us to make concrete claims about both how extreme any given vote update is and about what any particular vote update might have looked like, had it been less extreme one one axis or another.
We further find that if these updates were only more extreme than 99% of all updates nationally in terms of their deviation from this generally-observed pattern, that, holding all else equal, Joe Biden may very well have lost the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and that he would have 42 fewer Electoral votes — putting Biden below the number required to win the Presidency. Either way, it is indisputable that his margin of victory in these three states relies on four most anomalous vote updates identified by the metric developed in this report.
We once again note that this analysis is largely restricted to four individual vote updates out of a sample of nearly 9,000. This report by no means suggests stopping investigations in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, or elsewhere; it is merely that these four key ballot updates are both profoundly anomalous with respect to a metric which removes any component of different states having different partisan leanings or a different number of voters. Furthermore, this analysis does not require that we regard the final vote totals in any of these states (or counties thereof) as suspicious, nor, critically, does it require that we accept that the observed data should follow any particular distribution a priori. We merely show that the data, adjusted appropriately to remove differences in size and political leaning between states, does follow a certain pattern, and that four key vote updates deviate profoundly from that pattern.
It is our belief that the extraordinarily anomalous nature of the studied vote updates here, combined with the staggering political implications, demands immediate and thorough investigation.
Via Billy
It’s easy to find articles claiming that there was no election fraud, or that it was “not widespread,” or that it was not enough to “make a difference.” It is less easy to find some of the actual complaints and allegations, unfiltered and un-distorted.
Here is a (fairly) complete list of (some of) the most significant claims involving 2020 election miscounting, errors or fraud.
Please note that this resource lists allegations. It is intended neither to validate nor disprove any particular claim. The information and links help provide counterpoints to widespread, one-sided media reporting so that you can research and make your own judgements. All elections officials accused of improper counting or fraud have denied any improprieties.
The legislatures of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona are holding public hearings on election fraud issues.
More @ Sharyl Attikison
Things are getting very interesting indeed!
The next few weeks are poised to shake things up… BIG TIME.
Sidney Powell has added “the smartest man in the room” to her team.
More @ Breitbart
Federal and state authorities are preparing to file new lawsuits in the coming weeks against Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google, according to a new Wall Street Journal report.
People familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal that authorities are preparing as many as four cases targeting the big tech companies by the end of January in the wake of the Justice Department’s antitrust lawsuit against Google in October.
More @ Team Candace Owens
Jon Voight has brought another powerful, heartfelt message.
This man is a true patriot who loves America and is going against the grain of evil, rotten Hollywood.
God bless you sir for speaking up and speaking out!
More @ We Love Trump
Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked...
I am by no means a legal scholar. However, if the deaths of 5 US military personnel at the seizure of the CIA servers is true, AND those servers have evidence of and/or were being used to manipulate the election results in any way, I say you have proof of a plot to overthrow the government.
Now as I read the Insurrection Act and the prosecution of those involved and legal norms of a military or civilian trial the argument will be made that since there was no violent overthrow attempted if prosecution were to follow it should be in a civilian court.
I say NO, the deaths of military personnel is violence directed at the US Govt, and that act ties all those involved from the CIA down to the lowest poll worker changing or manipulating the process together in a conspiracy. (Once connections from the top down thru all the levels is established, either way up or down)
This ties all actors involved to a violent attempt to overthrow the govt and makes all of them enemy combatants, clearing the way for no civilian trials but instead military tribunals for all involved. No matter what their political affiliation, or level of participation, be it financial, manipulation of process or actual of ballots.
I was only following orders didn't work in Nuremberg, and it shouldn't be accepted here either.
But what the hell do I know, I'm just a hick who lives in flyover country.
“We’ve got a lot of evidence…and we’re facing major censorship” -- Rudy Giuliani, Nov. 27, 2020
The Media Research Center (MRC) conducted an online poll November 9-18 of 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—regarding voter knowledge of presidential candidates and eight key issues in the 2020 Election. The results indicated that 45 percent of Biden voters were not aware of Hunter Biden’s financial dealings in foreign countries. Probably even fewer were aware of evidence presented by the U.S Senate Homeland Security and Finance committees and sworn evidence by Hunter Biden business partners, especially Tony Bobulinski, that Joe Biden was actually the top decision maker in the Biden family scheme of corruption that made millions of dollars by selling influence over U.S. policies for personal financial gain. My Times Examiner article of October 26, “The Bobulinski Transcript’s Shadow over Joe Biden” contains the entire transcript of Bobulinski’s October 23 remarks on Fox News:
More @ The Times Examiner
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said there is “still a coup in progress” against President Donald Trump in his first public address since being pardoned by the president.This story....if true...is proof that this is NOT a matter of "politics" but sedition, treason and massive conspiracies to commit a panoply of crimes. The only REAL cure for what is happening is a massive response with military tribunals and hangings for literally THOUSANDS of complicit traitors. We are literally at THE CROSSROADS of the future of freedom in America and the world. If we fu*k this up now humanity will likely never know true freedom ever again.~~Dan
Getting paid off much?
Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr. issued an order on Sunday to freeze ALL Dominion voting machines in the state of Georgia.
Via Attorney Linn Wood: “Defendants are ordered to maintain the statue quo & are temporarily enjoined from wiping or resetting any voting machines in the State of Georgia until further order of the Court.”
More @ The Gateway Pundit
More @ Libertas Bella
Watch all these videos carefully my friends.
On the night of the election, there were several instances when votes were switched from Trump to Biden.
Wisconsin, Georgia, Virginia, Florida, and Pennsylvania were all states that switched and decreased President Trump’s votes and gave them to Biden.
More @ We Love Trump
Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn gave interviews to WVW Broadcasting Network today. It was Flynn’s first interview since his pardon.
In stunning testimony, McInerney stated his sources have told him U.S. Army Special Forces, possibly the famed Delta Force, raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany.
5 soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight, as well as one CIA paramilitary; the CIA personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security, according to related news reports.
Subsequent review of the secured servers yielded proof that China, Iran, and Russia were involved in the attempted coup against President Donald Trump, who will be shown to have won an overwhelming victory for the American people, McInerney revealed.
More @ News LA
Via Susan Lee
Chesty Puller was proud that his Confederate grandfather had served in what he referred to as the War Between the States...
Posted by Defending the Heritage on Saturday, November 28, 2015
“I wanted to show that these fact-checkers just lie, and they usually go unchecked because most people don't have the money, don't have the time, and don't have the platform to go after them — and I have all three.”
Conservative author and commentator Candace Owens challenged left-leaning fact-checking site PolitiFact, a partner with Facebook, over a “false” rating — and won.
Not only did PolitiFact remove their “false” rating and retract an article on why Owens’ video was allegedly false, but the site offered an added “correction” admitting their fault.
More @ The Daily Wire
The results from eight U.S. House races have still not been finalized in the 2020 elections nearly four weeks after election day. The Republican candidates in all eight races currently are leading their Democrat opponents.
More @ The Daily Wire
Newt Gingrich has a history lesson for us.
Gingrich went on Twitter and said the 2020 election “may be the biggest Presidential theft since Adams and Clay robbed Andrew Jackson in 1824”.
So what exactly happened in the 1824 election?
More @ We Love Trump
Via Cousin John
If you think that only weirdos have legitimate concerns about these findings and claims, maybe the weirdness lies in you
To say out-loud that you find the results of the 2020 presidential election odd is to invite derision. You must be a crank or a conspiracy theorist. Mark me down as a crank, then. I am a pollster and I find this election to be deeply puzzling. I also think that the Trump campaign is still well within its rights to contest the tabulations. Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 and the days that followed. It’s reasonable for a lot of Americans to want to find out exactly what.
More @ The Spectator
Via Steve Doc Page
A prewar antiwar Democrat in the Massachusetts legislature who “regularly spoke out against the abolition of slavery”, Benjamin Butler of Massachusetts rose in rank from militia officer but only noted for his lack of military skill. Earning the title “Beast” at occupied New Orleans in 1862, his command there and elsewhere were marred “by financial and logistical dealings across enemy lines, some of which probably took place with his knowledge and to his financial benefit.”
More @ Circa 1865
The web of their deceit continues to be exposed!
A new recording has just been released purporting to be a call to a Chinese Manufacturer requesting a bulk order of Fake United States 2020 ballots.
More @ We Love Trump
We have an intense developing story for you folks today
Attorney Powell is on the warpath
And quite frankly folks, I could not be any more proud that someone is willing to stand up for us and our country.
More @ We Love Trump
“They talk about ‘trickle-down wealth,’ but socialism is trickle-up poverty,” Mackey explained. “It just impoverishes everything.”
Mackey explained that capitalism, on the other hand, is the “greatest thing humanity has ever created,” and blamed intellectuals in universities for corrupting young people into thinking that capitalism is bad.
“Capitalism is the greatest thing humanity’s ever done. We’ve told a bad narrative, and we’ve let the enemies of business and the enemies of capitalism put out a narrative about us that’s wrong, it’s inaccurate — and it’s doing tremendous damage to the minds of young people,” Mackey said.
More @ Team Candace Owens
After crashing Richie Crampton’s 1957 Chevy wagon on the evening of August 9th, it was touch-and-go as to whether Dom Lagana would survive. He’d just left Lucas Oil Raceway in the rad rod, with Crampton and crewman Jacob Sanders onboard, when they ran off the road, hit a pole with the car, used that weekend as a tow vehicle for Jonnie Lindberg’s Top Alcohol Funny Car. Both Crampton and Sanders were treated at a local hospital and later released with non-life-threatening injuries.
Not so for Dom Lagana, but racers are tough and, apparently Lagana is the toughest of the tough. The Top Fuel driver of his family’s rail and crewman on the three-time NHRA Top Fuel champion Capco Contractors race team since 2013, Dom Lagana was – and is – unwilling to accept anything but recovery from his accident.
More @ Racing Junk
Not only did Sidney Powell deliver on her Kraken of a lawsuit earlier this week, she also dropped more EVIDENCE for her case.
Powell said:
We’ve got pictures of the check stubs paid to people to ballot harvest.
To clarify, ballot harvesting is illegal in the vast majority of states.
Some states allow ballot harvesting, but those are far and few between.
Nearly all states have banned ballot harvesting.
More @ We Love Trump
I have an update for you.
And this is for those who think there’s absolutely no way the ballots were watermarked.
Just “hopium” huh?
Well, not according to Sidney Powell and the lawsuit she filed in federal court!
More @ We Love Trump
When you hear the word “jazz,” what type of music pops into your head? What do you hear? You probably hear piano, brass, saxophone, or all of the above. But do you hear it melodious and catchy, or do you hear it jumbled and chaotic? There’s a lot of jazz out there that’s very melodious and catchy, and extremely easy to listen to. Unfortunately, there is also a significant amount of jazz that is confusing and befuddling, and it has the effect of turning off potential listeners and fans. The funny part is that it was meant to be that way. It’s intended to be chaotic without any concern for whether you like it or not. So, since a lot of jazz is so purposefully off-putting, how are you supposed to listen to it?
I got this. Let me show you how. But first, how about a little background?
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Could this be the constitutional path for a Trump victory?
While speaking with Steve Bannon’s War Room, Doug Mastriano broke the news that the PA legislature will draft a joint resolution to take the power back from the Secretary of State to appoint the state’s presidential electors.
More @ We Love Trump
While the mainstream media screams Trump should concede and stop requesting recounts, Americans think otherwise.
A new poll released by Newsmax/McLaughlin stated that two-thirds of Americans say it’s fair for Trump to ask for recounts in key swing states.
Voters also agreed that it’s right to recount votes in states decided by less than 1% in states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona.
More @ We Love Trump
Flynn’s family released a lengthier statement Wednesday after the president’s pardon.
“For four long years, our family and millions of American patriots stood arm-in-arm together with our brother, General Michael T. Flynn, fighting the vicious, deep-rooted corruption of government institutions and vengeful individuals intent on destroying General Flynn and our country in shameful defiance of justice and the Rule of Law. Those individuals have disgraced the United States of America. The perpetuation of this political persecution of General Flynn was further fermented by Judge Emmet Sullivan’s refusal to dismiss the fraudulent prosecution. Judge Sullivan’s inactions are a reprehensible assault against the Constitution and will live in infamy the world over and is his legacy,” the statement said.
“Today, the Flynn Family is grateful to President Donald J. Trump for answering our prayers and the prayers of a nation by removing the heavy burden of injustice off the shoulders of our brother Michael, with a full pardon of innocence. We thanks President Trump for recognizing our brother’s sacrifice in this battle for truth, our Constitution, our Republic and all that America stands for around the world – a true beacon of liberty. We are forever appreciative to President Trump for giving back to Michael his freedom in undoing a hideous wrong. Michael’s determination and resilience in the face of this battle exemplifies his decades of dedication to this nation as a Soldier and leader of men and women in service protecting the very rights he was denied,” the statement continued.
“Let it be heard across this great country and around the world that tyranny will not topple us. Masks will not silence us. Threats will not stop us. Evil will not triumph. We are Americans. We stand on the shoulders of the greatest forces and heroes of bravery and courage the world has ever known. That is our legacy and our obligation to defend now, and for generations to come,” the statement concluded.
More @ The Daily Wire
Ok folks, it is November 26 and not a single person working for Trump or working for America is backing down.
None are wavering.
None are hedging their bets.
More @ We Love Trump
This Thanksgiving, the second of three NFL games will feature one of the oldest (albeit moribund) rivalries in professional football history: the Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Football Team, previously known as the Redskins. Since the late 1970’s, the Cowboys, who with the Detroit Lions always play on Thanksgiving, have been nicknamed “America’s Team.” Yet Washington, who under woke capitalist and legacy media pressure have been forced to scrap their storied mascot, have a much more ancient pedigree than “Them Cowboys.” Indeed, the once named Washington Redskins were the original professional football team of the South.
Original Redskins owner George Preston Marshall moved the franchise, founded in 1932, to Washington, D.C., in 1937. At the time, the District of Columbia was far more of a Southern city than the gentrified hipsterdom it has more recently become, and there were no professional teams south of the Mason-Dixon line. Ever the enterprising entrepreneur, Marshall perceived a business opportunity in advertising his team across the South.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Chapter II of his book,
(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1939. The spelling
and citation are Douglas Southall Freeman's.)
Sherman marched to the sea; the forts of Mobile fell one by one after a defense worthy of Troy; and, on Palm Sunday, 1865, when the first touch of green was coming to the forests of Midland Virginia, Lee surrendered. It is impossible fully to realize now what the death of the Confederacy meant to the South. For four years the two had been synonymous. A common cause never had unified the South completely, even when it was the Confederacy; but the blows delivered on the anvil of war from Sabine Pass to Harpers Ferry had brought the Southern States nearer a welding than ever they had been. Then, suddenly, the South found itself eleven conquered States---each one of which felt itself in a strange manner the guardian of a disembodied Confederacy and the defender of its history. Neither the Poland for which Sienkiewicz wrote nor the Czecho-Slovakia of our own time affords more than a crude analogy. Even while the ashes still smoldered, Southerners began to write in them "vindications of Southern rights," memorials of the fallen, personal narratives and military and political apologia.
More @ Charleston Athenaeum
Robert Lewis Dabney: A Prophet for Our Own Times
32. "It is to me simply incredible, that a people so shrewd and practical as those of the United States, should expect us to have discarded, through the logic of the sword merely, the convictions of a lifetime; or that they could be deceived by us, should we be base enough to assert it of ourselves. They know that the people of the South were conquered, and not convinced; and that the authority of the United States was accepted by us from necessity, and not from preference. [snip] The people of the South went to war, because they sincerely believed (what their political fathers had taught them, with one voice, for two generations) that the doctrine of State-sovereignty for which they fought, was absolutely essential as the bulwark of the liberties of the people."
~~R. L.Dabney of Virginia
A Discourse delivered at the Annual Commencement of Hampden-Sydney College, June 15, 1882, before the Philanthropic and Union Literary Societies.[1]
Young Gentlemen of the Philanthropic and Union Societies, and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Audience:
You will credit my expression of sincere embarrassment at this time when you consider that I am attempting a species of discourse somewhat unwonted to a preacher of the Gospel, and yet more, that I am placed here only as a species of Dernier Resort. We all had hopes that another gentleman would represent the two Literary Societies, better fitted to entertain and instruct this assemblage. But disappointment left the place, at a very late period, unfilled, and we were threatened with having this important part of our literary anniversary left a mere blank. I stand here, therefore, in the formula of your exercises very much in the place of that “infinitesimal quantity,” which the algebraist places equal to zero in his equation, without appreciable error.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
This is straight fire.
Introducing Sen. Doug Mastriano, Senator for PA’s 33rd Senate District and THIS is what a true patriot sounds like.
Absolutely amazing speech in the Article II Hearing.
Watch as the chant of “Trump, Trump, Trump” starts up when he talks about the rightful winner of this election.
Damn right!
More @ We Love Trump
The “where’s the evidence argument” is dead.
Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani in the presence of Republican leaders in PA released an absolute bombshell.
Giuliani was quoted saying “You sent out in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1,823,148 absentee or mail-in ballots. You received back 1.4 million approximately. However, in the count for president, you counted 2.5 million. More @ We Love Trump
Via Cousin John
Submit Evidence
Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues. Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
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More @ Here Is The Evidence
Via Miss Emma