Wednesday, July 28, 2021

GRNC: Oppose discharge ban

The latest threat to North Carolina gun rights appears to be a coordinated effort by multiple county commissions to virtually end shooting on private land, with two hearings coming up on August 5th and 12th. Only you can end this cancer before it spreads!

This new attack by gun ban leftists seems to be firearms discharge ordinances designed not to provide “reasonable public safety” as proponents claim, but instead to create wide swaths of areas within counties where the lawful discharge of firearms for training, recreation and pest control are prohibited.

The first and most immediate threat is in Guilford County, where a newly elected Democrat majority on its county commission is debating just such a discharge ban, with a public hearing scheduled for next week, August 5th.What this draconian discharge ban does:

ð  Defines anyplace where a gun is discharged, including your own land, as a “shooting range;”

ð  All but bans hunting anywhere within 150 yards of virtually any structure;

ð    Bans even shooting a rat in your own barn with a .22 rifle;

ð  Prohibits all moving targets, including not only shooting at varmints, but also simple moving targets such as a metallic “dueling tree”

ð     Bans each and every discharge of a rifle or pistol unless a berm 2 feet thick and 4 feet above the target is used; and

ð    Ends all training for concealed handgun permits or other defensive firearm training at outdoor ranges.

The Guilford commissioners will claim we are wrong, but they will be lying because the sleight of hand they are trying to pull lies within the ridiculously over-broad definitions of what constitutes a “shooting range or gallery,” as well as other definitions.

We need you to contact Guilford commissioners REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU LIVE!

This ordinance cannot be allowed to create a precedent which will undoubtedly be followed by other left-leaning county commissions.

More @ GRNC

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