Thursday, September 30, 2010
Lest Darkness Fall
Widow And Grandson Of Medal Of Honor Winner Turned Away From White House Tour
Confederate Powder Works Rededication Oct. 9th
Update On Locked And Loaded: The Secret World Of Extreme Militias
RE: Your dirty, copulating lie about the Three Percent.
Tuscaroras And (My Family)
My 6th Great Grandfather Was Recognized As Fighting/Dying In The Militia At Core Creek At 35 Years Of Age. A son who was seventeen at the time was also killed, but there is no mention of him. His wife was killed, his daughter, who was but three, was killed, and my fifth great grandfather, at seven years old, was missed somehow, and most fortunately.
GOA Ratings For The Upcoming Elections
I just contacted Walter Jones about his B rating. Burr has an A+.
U.S. To Blame For Mexican Violence
Couldn't make this stuff up.
Locked And Loaded: The Secret World Of Extreme Militias
VIA the1badger, A&M
U.S. Government Drops Dead Mice On Guam
Republicans Are Pansies: The Southern Avenger
--Thomas Jefferson, letter to E. Carrington, 1788
"Tea Party conservatives looking for a path back to limited government need look no further than the Texas congressman who has dedicated his entire career to upholding the Constitution with no exceptions." Ron Paul's Pledge to America
The New And Improved GOP?

Via Bazz
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I Love The South
Indeed, I do!
Walter E. Williams: Liberals Confuse Me
The Break Up Of The United States Of America
This article is two years old and right on.
Via Hamp, SWR
$PLC To Apologize To Prof. Guenter Lewy For False Accusations
Via Rebellion
Maine Gov. Candidate: I'd Tell Obama To Go To Hell
Republican gubernatorial candidate Paul LePage told a group of fishermen at a GOP forum that he won't be afraid to tell President Barack Obama to "go to hell." | |||
Custer Demands Surrender Of Longstreet
Reason To Homeschool #5,642
ArmyJudge Tells LTC Lakin: Shut Up And Be Punished!
Via Richard, SWR
Guédelon, A Castle In The Making
-- Ashtabula County, Ohio Deputy Sheriff Ron Fenton, as quoted by Maclean’s, September 22, 2010
"n the heart of Puisaye, in Yonne, Burgundy, a team of fifty people have taken on an extraordinary feat: to build a castle using the very same techniques and materials used in the Middle Ages."
Via Jason, BelleGrove
GF1 Field Test -16 Days In The Himalayas
--Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
"For 16 days I lived with it strapped to me as I climbed through the valleys of central Nepal up to Annapurna Base Camp at 4,200 meters."
Abolish Public Schools
-- Eric L. Haney, Command Sergeant Major US Army, from his book "Inside Delta Force"
"County by county, state by state, Americans should begin functionally abolishing government-run schools and replacing them with a free market in schools. On the federal level, Congress should kill the Department of Education by choking off its funding. The department was not constitutional in the first place."
Polar Bear Hunting
The 50-year-old former weatherman for WILL-TV and, before that, WCIA-TV, is among the latest in a growing list of white men in town being slugged for sport by young black men in what's been dubbed "polar bear hunting."
Via RebellionThe Insurgency
The times, they really are a-changin’.
Another Vietnam
A Relentless Enemy Air Date: 09/26/10 Full Episode 13:18
"Lara Logan's report takes viewers to the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan, where she and her crew came under enemy fire from fighters who the U.S. military says keep coming from their sanctuary in Pakistan."
Remember Who We Are. An American Revival To Match The Gaelic Revival?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rand Paul Money Bomb Starts Tonight!
I don't like this or was I expecting such. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Via Conservative Heritage Times
USAF’s Patterson: Obama Cripples Military In Terror Fight
Includes a video interview.
*Patterson’s latest book is “Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama Is Destroying the Military and Endangering Our Security.”
Democrats Knew Obama Was Ineligible
Something we have all known for a long time and more.
"And Now, After Sending Our Best Young Men To Die On distant battlefields fighting Communism, we may simply vote a Marxist into our highest office."
23 July 2008
10/'67 - 5/'69 USARV, 6/'69 - 09/'71 OICC/RVN+, 06/'73 - 25/04/'75 DAO, US Embassy RVN
Thia Day In History II - “The Baylor Massacre”
Late one night in 1778, the woods you are standing in suddenly echoed with the sounds of battle. A surprise attack by British soldiers nearly destroyed an American regiment, Baylor’s 3rd Continental Light Dragoons.
Via The War On Guns
More Flash Games: AAPL
Parental Rights Amendment Trailer
This Day In History
The siege of Yorktown begins
On this day in history, General George Washington, commanding 17,000 Continental and French forces, commenced the siege of British General Lord Cornwallis and his army at Yorktown, Virginia.
Via Daily Events
Black GOP Set For Historic Gains In Congress
West is one of my favorites along with
- Star Parker, Calif-37 — Founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, Parker is a high-profile columnist and author with an inspiring personal story. Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. She’s running against incumbent Democrat Rep. Laura Richardson in California's 37th congressional district. One watchdog named Richardson to its report on congressional corruption after she reportedly accepted favorable loans and failed to properly disclose them. In July, the Office of Congressional Ethics cleared Richardson of wrongdoing. Among those who have endorsed Parker’s candidacy: Steve Forbes, GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn, GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, among many others.
Election 2010: West Virginia Senate
Republican John Raese has edged ahead of West Virginia's popular Democratic Governor Joe Manchin for the first time in the state's special U.S. Senate race.
A Republican win in West Virginia would be historic.
Constitutional Freedoms: "Childish"
--Alexander Hamilton, Tully, No. 3, 1794
"While legal, it's inappropriate and aggressive to pack your little pistols in public places. We won't miss you or the childish displays of constitutional freedoms."
Lauren Cnare - District 3 Alder
"A public relations and communications professional in her day job."
(Really and who is the idiot who pays her salary? BT)
They Know The Warning Signs
-- Emile Durkheim
"I interviewed her. Her name is Ly Chho. Her family is Chinese, but she was born in Cambodia, raised in Taiwan, and is now a naturalized American citizen. Her question?
I am a new NRA member. I have been a citizen for only fourteen years. I believe in the Constitution and the Second Amendment, and when I see Obama, I see Communism, and I am afraid. I believe he is going to win the election. Do you have any plans in place if this happens?"
NRA have plans? Forget them and join the GOA whose position is:
An Idea To GOA |
Monday, September 27, 2010
I'll Stop Illegal Immigration Cold
Confederate Flag Display Years Ago
The Calamity Of Appomattox By H.L. Mencken
D.C. Turns To GPS To Monitor Young Criminals
Obama On Jobs: Liar
Obama, a liar? Who would have thunk'.........?
Most People Are Idiots
Truer words were never spoken.
"Hell No........There Ain't No Forgettin!"
For the answer to that question, ask our Southern brethren and sistren today about 1865 and "Reconstruction".
The Market Ticker - Just Steal In The Open
I learned my lesson a long time ago. You only get to screw me once.
DoJ Slumbers As Dead Voters Head To The Polls
DC is infested with crooks who need to be tarred, feathered, ridden out of town on a pole and deposited in the filthy Potomac where they will feel right at home.
Hussein Obama's Job Approval Hits New Low
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Questions For Brock Townsend From England
Revolutionary War Distorted As Is WBTS
"It is an undeniable fact that the American Revolution was nothing more than an attempt by wealthy American elites to maintain their influence and power. The vast majority of American Revolutionary leaders were wealthy. It's also a fact that many were slave owners.
The colonies had long benefited from their ties to England and the English King. The colonies had grown in great prosperity and the power of England's navy gave them great freedom to trade across Britain’s vast domains.
British attempts to bring smuggling in line and the need to raise revenue to recoup the costs of the recent French and Indian war, which was fought in defense of the ungrateful colonies, were a threat to these wealthy individuals.
For taxes of just a few cents, often less, these ungrateful thugs who refused to pay their fair share committed acts of violence and depravity. Mobs were stirred up to assault government officers. Many were beaten and some were killed. British attempts to maintain order against these illegal mobs were met by further abuses. The mobs were trained and given weapons until the militias nearly formed an army which could overturn an ancient government which only defended it's right to exist. Anarchy could only be the result of such logic.
Anti-slavery sentiment had long been building in England, but in America much of the booming economy was dependent on slave labor. The economic engine of much of New England was dependent on the slave trade, which England's antipathy toward could threaten.
As the rebels got out of hand in 1775, Lord Dunmore threatened to emancipate the slaves in America if the colonists did not cease their activities and accept government dictates. After the Revolution exploded in Virginia, Dunmore fled with his forces in Williamsburg after issuing the following Emancipation Proclamation
By His Excellency the Right Honorable JOHN Earl of DUNMORE, His Majesty's Lieutenant and Governor General of the Colony and Dominion of VIRGINIA, and Vice Admiral of the same.
As I have ever entertained Hopes, that an Accommodation might have taken Place between GREAT-BRITAIN and this Colony, without being compelled by my Duty to this most disagreeable but now absolutely necessary Step, rendered so by a Body of armed Men unlawfully assembled, firing on His MAJESTY'S Tenders, and the formation of an Army, and that Army now on their March to attack his MAJESTY'S Troops and destroy the well disposed subjects of the Colony. To defeat such treasonable Purposes, and that all such Traitors, and their Abettors, may be brought to Justice, and that the Peace, and good Order of this Colony may be again restored, which the ordinary Course of the Civil Law is unable to effect; I have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, hereby declaring, that until the aforesaid good Purpose can be obtained, I do in Virtue of the Power and Authority to ME given, by His MAJESTY, determine to execute Martial Law, and cause the same to be executed throughout this Colony: and to ****** the Peace and good Order may the sooner be restored, I do require every Person capable of bearing Arms, to resort to His MAJESTY'S STANDARD, or be looked upon as Traitors to His MAJESTY'S Crown and Government, and thereby become liable to the Penalty the Law inflicts upon such Offenses; such as forfeiture of Life, confiscation of Lands, &. &. And I do hereby further declare all indented Servants, Negroes, or others, (appertaining to Rebels,) free that are able and willing to bear Arms, they joining His MAJESTY'S Troops as soon as may be, foe the more speedily reducing this Colony to a proper Sense of their Duty, to His MAJESTY'S Crown and Dignity. I do further order, and require, all His MAJESTY'S Liege Subjects, to retain their Quitrents, or any other Taxes due or that may become due, in their own Custody, till such a Time as Peace may be again restored to this at present most unhappy Country, or demanded of them for their former salutary Purposes, by Officers properly ***** to receive the same.
GIVEN under my Hand on board the Ship WILLIAM by Norfolk, the 7th Day of November in the SIXTEENTH Year of His MAJESTY'S Reign.
(GOD save the KING.)
After this point the war became one to liberate slaves. Throughout the entire war, the British provided safety to slaves who undertook their own liberation. It is believed that over the course of the war up to 100,000 slaves were freed by the British. Dunmore moved with his forces toward the loyal town of Norfolk, while burning plantations and liberating slaves along the way. Historians are unsure how many slaves were murdered or returned to servitude by brutal American slavers after the annihilation of Dunmore's army at the battle of Great Bridge on December 9, 1775.
One has to look no further than the founding documents themselves to see Americans proclaim openly that their principle concern was slavery. Only foolish American apologists would dare argue that they had any other intention than the preservation of their own wealth and slavery. It is an undeniable fact that the last and most important cause given for breaking with their king was the subornation of Africans and Indians. The Deceleration of Independence itself proclaims that the colonies seek independence because, “He (the king) has excited domestic insurrections amongst us (liberated our slaves), and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.” The racism and hatred seeps from the page.
Had English arms proven victorious slavery would have ended once and for all in America, and the colonists would continued the divine and unbreakable connection with their King and parliament. We can only imagine the glories this continued union might have obtained."
The Police Cover-Up Continues
An Open Letter To The Atlanta History Center
The exhibit claims that Lincoln did everything to avoid war. He could have easily prevented war by removing Federal troops from South Carolina property. He left them there to provoke the South into firing the first shot. South Carolina had sent agents to Washington for the purpose of negotiating a troop removal, but Lincoln would not agree to that. Lincoln placed a naval blockade on the ports of North Carolina while that state was still in the Union. Naval blockade is an act of war. Lincoln could have ended the Civil War at any time by bringing his troops home.
On page 7 of the brochure you say that Lincoln was a single-issue candidate for high office. I am curious to know what that issue was because it wasn’t slavery. Lincoln stated unequivocally in his 1861 Inaugural Address that he wasn’t going to free the slaves. You made a vague statement to this effect in your brochure.
On page 10 you say that Lincoln treated secession as an artificial crisis manufactured by designing Southern politicians. The Southern States were paying about 85% of all revenues collected by the Federal Government. Congress was controlled by the Northern States and that is where most of the money was being spent. The South wanted free trade with England and France without the burden of high import tariffs.
The New England States were the first to consider secession in the early 19th Century. Our Declaration of Independence establishes the right of secession as the founding principle of this country. Peaceful secessions have occurred throughout history. In 1905 Norway seceded from Sweden and not a shot was fired.
On page 12 you mention Lincoln’s attack on slavery. There was no attack on slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation did not even free the slaves in the border states where Lincoln had political control. Lincoln’s father-in-law and Ulysses S. Grant’s wife owned slaves throughout the war.
On page 17 you said that Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman were men who understood the brutality of war. I can’t argue with this one. In his General Order number 11, Grant instructed his troops to arrest and deport all Jews in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi. Sherman charged 700 female mill workers in the Atlanta area with treason for making cloth for the Confederate Army. These women were herded into rail cars like cattle and shipped to Indiana. Few ever returned. A large number of slaves following behind Sherman’s troops were allowed to drown in Ebenezer Creek in South Georgia. The Union Army murdered, tortured, raped, and robbed tens of thousands of civilians. Union prison camps were worse than Andersonville. Thousands of Northerners were imprisoned without a trial for speaking out against Lincoln’s invasion of the South. One of them was the grandson of Francis Scott Key. The behavior of the Union Army under Lincoln is the most shameful page in American history.
Pages 23 and 24 deal with the Union Pacific Railroad which Lincoln built with public funds. The eastern terminus of this railroad just happened to be on land that Lincoln had recently purchased. Lincoln scholar Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo describes this project as the mother of all political payoffs. Many prominent Republicans cashed in on construction contracts. General Sherman led a campaign of ethnic genocide against the Native Americans of the Great Plains in order to clear the way for this railroad. I noticed that the Union Pacific Corporation gave generous support for your Lincoln exhibit.
So why can’t we tell the truth about Abe Lincoln? His ties to European socialists have been documented. Our Federal Government, public schools, and news media are almost completely controlled by the socialist left. Lincoln’s mercantilist policies make him a convenient hero for fans of big government. The myth that Lincoln freed the slaves protects him from too much scrutiny. No one wants to be called a racist for excoriating Abe.
This country is long overdue for an honest debate on Lincoln and the Civil War. Would the Atlanta History Center be interested in making this a reality?"
Joe Jordan
Smyrna, GA
Palestinian Activist Speaks At Obama’s Church
What got little notice was that immediately following Obama and his family’s attendance at St. John’s Episcopal Church, a pro-Palestinian activist delivered an address at the same church.
After the 9 a.m. service Obama attended, an “Adult Forum” was held at St. John’s, and Ziad Asali, founder and president of the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP), took the podium. His message, according to Israel Today, amounted to a demand for Israel “to surrender its biblical heartland for a phony ‘peace.’”
“Asali and the ATFP pretend to want a lasting two-state solution to the conflict, but also advocate the demographic destruction of the Jewish state by supporting the demand that Israel open its gates to millions of so-called ‘Palestinian refugees,’” Israel Today pointed out.
“Asali draws moral equivalency between Palestinian terrorism and Israeli counter-terrorism operations.”
The ATFP reportedly calls for the re-admittance of not only the relatively few remaining survivors who were among the 725,000 original Palestinian refugees, but also more than 5 million of their descendants. “The right of return is an integral part of international humanitarian law and cannot be renounced by any parties,” the ATFP has stated.
Israel Today observed: “Perhaps unsurprisingly, the U.S. mainstream media ignored the fact that a Muslim with a thinly-veiled anti-Israel message was preaching on the day that the Obama family attended church for only the third time in the past year.
“Presidents and their staffs don’t schedule things on a whim, and they don’t show up at the same place as someone like Asali by mere coincidence.”
Union soldiers "wreaked havoc on the South,...were very cruel even to the children, destroying food , furniture, and possessions of families, threatening children with violence, even sexual assault, often in front of other family members, ...brandishing whips and pistols, ...tearing up school books, taking away blankets...spitting in preserves...pouring ketchup on paintings..."
Union depredations were also committed against slave children, with soldiers demanding that they sing and dance..."
| ||
Southerners Point To Rhode Island’s Record
Hoof & Mouth Disease Strikes Biden Again
Vice President Joe Biden says victories by tea party candidates have encouraged him and he believes the conservative movement could inspire Democrats to turn out and vote in November.
“Maybe the best thing to happen to us is the tea party wins,” Biden said Thursday at a fundraiser in Chevy Chase, Md.
“Maybe it’ll shake some of our constituency out of their lethargy.”
He also brushed aside assertions that the Republicans will take control of Congress in the November elections, The Hill newspaper reported.
“I guarantee you we’re going to have a majority in the House and a majority in the Senate,” he declared. “I absolutely believe that.”
He conceded that voters are “angry against whoever is in power,” but added that Democrats “have a heck of a record, a heck of a positive record to run on.”
He also said he's second in line for the Presidency........Open mouth, insert foot........
Saturday, September 25, 2010
History Lessons - NC State Magazine
Results Of Thursday's NCFIRE Alert
"It's document fraud," said James Johnson of NC FIRE, a grassroots
3,000 NC Historic Maps On Line 1,500 - 2,000 A.D.
More Signage
‘Someone run the bases for Bill!’ was always heard… I do not remember having to ask any one to run the bases for me. All this happened many years ago, and today as well as then I believe that Tarboro is full of people who are more than willing to ‘run the bases’ for those who cannot, without being asked.”
Cousin Bill Bass
Super Saturday in Tarboro
Dirty Money And The $PLC
JOURNAL: Notes From Underground
"Human beings have been debating this since time immemorial, does might make right, or is there really something out there like truth and justice?
In Plato we see it clearly, Thrasymachus arguing that justice is the rule of the stronger. Socrates' reply is as valid today as it was over two thousand years ago:
"Yet is not the power which injustice exercises of such a nature that wherever she takes up her abode, whether in a city, in an army, in a family, or in any other body, that body is, to begin with, rendered incapable of united action by reason of sedition and distraction; and does it not become its own enemy and at variance with all that opposes it, and with the just? Is not this the case?"
The more that people become parasitical and the more that the virtues are ignored, the more chaotic things become and eventually even the powerful people will fall before it because we will all be at war with one another. Such a situation makes any productivity impossible and can, and will not be tolerated.
What we are experiencing today is a kind of mass delusion in which people have come to see moral values as subjective luxuries. As society collapses before them they will see just how necessary these values are. Unfortunately, in the quest for a state of justice, people may choose to support demagogues and tyrants, further pushing back the time when things get better.
Its up to us to make sure that doesn't happen but in order to do that we can not fall into the defeatism that virtue no longer matters."
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hagan Needs To Go
September 24, 2010
Thank you for contacting me regarding the Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act. I greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts on this important issue.
In January 2010, in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled on the case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that the First Amendment cannot limit corporate funding of political advertisements in candidate elections. This decision effectively overturned decades of campaign finance law.
In response to the court's decision, the DISCLOSE Act was introduced in the Senate on April 30, 2010, to mitigate the harmful effects of the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United.
The DISCLOSE Act would implement comprehensive disclosure requirements on corporations, unions, and other organizations that spend money on federal election campaigns. By increasing the transparency of campaign spending by these groups, this bi-partisan legislation seeks to diminish unregulated corporate power over elections. Under the legislation the leaders of corporations, unions, and other organizations would be required to appear on camera for election advertisements that their groups have funded. They would also be required to list the top five donors at the end of every campaign advertisement. Additionally, the legislation would take steps to eliminate the influence of foreign corporations on American elections.
I believe that the court's decision puts the voices of ordinary Americans at risk of being drowned out by direct corporate spending on elections. North Carolina deserves open and transparent elections, and that is why I am a co-sponsor of the DISCLOSE Act. Unfortunately, to date the DISCLOSE Act has been blocked from even being considered in the United States Senate. I believe that this legislation would ensure that average American voters are the ones in charge during elections, not special interest money. I can assure you that I will continue to do everything within my power to protect the integrity of the elections process.
Again, thank you for contacting my office. It is truly an honor to represent North Carolina in the United States Senate, and I hope you will not hesitate to contact me in the future should you have any further questions or concerns.
Kay R. Hagan
Touring The South's Literary Landmarks
Sham Democracy
Thursday, September 23, 2010
· Practical information drawn from the Emergency Survival and First Aid pocket guides, both Mountaineers Books' bestsellers
· Written by an outdoorsman and physician
· Water-resistant card stock
. $7.00
Beck: No, Glenn
Palin: Why No Probe Of Barack 'Hussein' Obama?
A Citizen's Constitutional Workshop
Cordially invites you to
A Citizen's Constitutional Workshop
with presenters
Dr. Troy Kickler & Dr. Michael Sanera
Dr. Kickler, founding Director of the NC history Project & Adjunct Professor of United States History, NC State University.
Dr. Sanera, Director of Research & Local Government Studies & Adjunct Professor in Political Science, NC State University.
What the Founders and the State Ratification Conventions Can Teach Us Today
Saturday, October 02, 2010, 8:30 am- 1:30 pm
The John Locke Foundation, 200 W Morgan St., Raleigh, NC 27601 - View Map
Price: $10.00- includes lunch. - Purchase tickets online HERE.
Due to high demand, this is a repeat offering of the August 7, 2010 workshop.
Space is limited for this event, pre-registration is required.
The past 100 years of Progressive ideology have almost destroyed the US Constitution. This generation must restore the Constitution's original intent of limited, federal government based on the rule of law.
This workshop provides today's Patriots with the intellectual tools to restore original intent and repair the damage done. It explains what the framers meant by phrases such as the "general welfare," "necessary and proper" and other so-called "elastic" clauses. In addition we explore the North Carolina ratification debates and reveal how the Tar Heel State ensured that the Bill of Rights was added. By examining the important role of the states in the nation's beginning and providing constitutional commentary based on the founders' words, this workshop is a must for Americans interested in preserving the United States and a federal form of government.
What the experts are saying about "A Citizen's Constitutional Workshop"
"The John Locke Foundation's workshop on the Constitution will provide a solid foundation for anyone interested in understanding the Founders' experiment in republican government. By taking a federal perspective upon the original understanding, students will learn how the Revolution was fulfilled by the Constitution -- and gain insight into the divergence between the world of James Madison, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson and the USA of today."
*Kevin Gutzman
History Professor, Western Connecticut State University.
Author of Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution and Who Killed the Constitution?: The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W. Bush.
"A constitution is meaningless if its original intent is not preserved. "A Citizen's Constitutional Workshop" has embarked on a project to retrieve the original intent of the Constitution through the most reliable, yet overlooked, means at our disposal--the states. The innovative method of this project combined with its ambition to retrieve our Constitution, and with it the true meaning of limited government, makes it the most important project of its kind. Troy Kickler and Michael Sanera are following in the Founders' footsteps by bringing this discussion to a public forum which is certainly the best place to start."
*Kyle Scott, Ph.D.
Department of Political Science and Honors College, University of Houston.
Author of The Price of Politics:Lessons from Kelo v. City of New London and Dismantling American Common Law: Liberty and Justice in our Transformed Courts.
"The Key to the Constitution, as James Madison said, is the State ratifying conventions, and North Carolina played a pivotal role in defining the nature and scope of federal power. The American people will gain a better understanding of the original intent of the Constitution if they can digest how members of the State ratifying conventions argued for and against the document."
*Brion McClanahan, Ph.D.
History Instructor, Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers
DISCLOSE Act Defeated In Senate
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The U.S. Senate today defeated the so-called DISCLOSE Act when it failed to garner the 60 votes necessary to overcome Republican objections to the bill. The final vote was 59-39.
Even though the exact same bill, sponsored by Chuck Schumer (D-NY), had been defeated just two months ago and was unlikely to pass, anti-gun Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) brought it up for another vote to "stir up" his left-wing base.
Instead of protecting the most important type of speech protected by the First Amendment -- political speech -- with this bill Congress attempted to force groups like GOA to "disclose" the names of donors in certain political advertisements.
Since Gun Owners of America will never disclose its membership lists to the federal government, it could be prohibited from running radio or TV ads exposing a federal candidate's voting record in the weeks leading up to an election.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) aptly summed up the bill when it came to the floor in July:
"This DISCLOSE Act is not about reform, it's nothing more than Democrats sitting behind closed doors [choosing] which favored groups they want to speak in the 2010 elections -- all in an attempt to protect themselves from criticism of their government takeovers, record deficits and massive unpaid-for expansions of the federal government into the lives of the American people."
With a lame-duck session of Congress looming after the election, anything is possible -- including another attempt to push through DISCLOSE. So please stay tuned.
Blackbeard's - Queen Anne's Revenge
Another Article On Jack Kershaw
Jack Kershaw
1913 -- 2010
NCFIRE: Protest Rally At Concord High School, Concord, N.C.
481 Burrage Rd
Concord, NC
The intersection of Miramar St NE and Stadium Dr NE
8:00 am Saturday
September 25, 2010
Concord High School and the Cabarrus County School Board are sanctioning an event by the Mexican Consulate that amounts to aiding and abetting illegal aliens. Aiding and abetting illegal aliens is a Federal felony offense. [Section 274 Felonies under the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A)]
The Mobile Mexican Consulate will be distributing Mexican passports and Matricula Consular cards to the Hispanic population in the Charlotte area, from North and South Carolina.
This event is designed for one purpose only and that is to "document the undocumented." It is to give illegal aliens a source of ID which they can then use to apply for welfare, social services, open bank accounts, register to vote and use the documents as proof of identification and NC residency to apply for NC drivers licenses. People that are in this country legally, already have the necessary legal documentation to be here, ie: passports, green cards, student visas, etc.
We are calling on all like minded individuals to join us and show their opposition to this event. We are directing our attention to the actions of Concord High School and the Cabarrus County School Board, not to any group or race of individuals. No violence and no racists signs or language. Improper behavior will not be tolerated.
James Johnson
A Question Settled By Violence Resolves Nothing
Sixth Annual Confederate Heritage Youth Day
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
How Far You Have Fallen, Hussein
"With Obama’s sliding poll numbers and growing voter rejection of DC’s wars, amnesty schemes, and socialized medicine, some heckling is expected.
But in Manhattan? At a Democratic function? And not just any Democratic function, but at a fundraiser. Wow. Seems like only yesterday, Obama was blazing new trails in fundraising.
Now it looks like this presidency has the shelf life of live bait."
Another DISCLOSE Alert
Act immediately to phone and email your senators in opposition to the DISCLOSE Act. A vote in the Senate is scheduled for tomorrow, September 23.
Back on June 24, the House passed the DISCLOSE Act, H.R. 5175, by 219-206. In July the Senate failed to pass this bill and it was considered dead until after the November 2 elections, but now suddenly this week the bill has been revived for partisan political reasons by the Democrats and is scheduled for a vote tomorrow, September 23.
Do you remember how President Obama called out the Supreme Court during his State of the Union address back in January? He was referring to the Court’s 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that unexpectedly upheld the Constitution and free speech by ruling that corporations, unions, and nonprofit organizations are permitted to make campaign contributions under the First Amendment. After chastising the Supreme Court, Obama urged “Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps correct this.”
The DISCLOSE Act is the bill that President Obama was asking for in his State of the Union address. It is a direct attack on the free speech rights of corporations and organizations, even online bloggers, during campaigns.
See Raven Clabough's TNA article from July 29, 2010, “DISCLOSE Act Stalled by GOP Filibuster," for further information about the DISCLOSE Act.
Phone and email your senators in strong opposition to this unconstitutional regulatory scheme known as the DISCLOSE Act.
Your friends at The John Birch Society
Tarboro's History Days
Constitution Day TEA Party Event Excludes Constitution Party Candidate
Medicare Czar Flees 'Rationing' Query
II. Top 10 Failures of ObamaCare After Six Months.
GOA Alert
-- DISCLOSE Act Vote Set For Thursday
Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Anti-gun Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) is giving voters yet another reason why he must be defeated in November.
Preparing for heavy losses in the general election, anti-gun Democrat leaders like Reid and Charles Schumer (D-NY) appear to be readying for a vote on the so-called DISCLOSE Act, possibly this week.
While Reid has not yet officially taken the necessary steps to move the bill, his communications director sent out this Tweet on Tuesday: "We're debating DISCLOSE Act tomorrow [Wednesday] w/ vote Thursday."
You may recall that the DISCLOSE Act, which passed the House in June, died in the Senate in July after an intense lobbying effort by Gun Owners of America and other groups.
The bill, sponsored by Schumer, puts severe and unconstitutional limits on GOA's ability to hold individual congressmen accountable in the weeks leading up to an election.
Instead of protecting the most important type of speech protected by the First Amendment -- political speech -- this bill would force groups like GOA to "disclose" the names of donors in certain political advertisements.
Since Gun Owners of America is not willing to disclose its membership lists to the Federal Election Commission, we could be prohibited from running radio or TV ads exposing a federal candidate's voting record within 60 days of a general election.
This is just another attempt by pathetic, anti-gun politicians to save their jobs before the political earthquake in November strikes.
And, as has been the case so often over the past two years, Reid, Schumer and Co. are using the rules of the Senate to bring the bill directly to the floor. There have been no committee hearings to debate the merits of the bill, thus the American people have no opportunity to see just how egregiously DISCLOSE violates the Constitution.
While the bill does contain a controversial provision to exempt the National Rifle Association, GOA remains adamantly opposed to it on constitutional grounds.
Please urge your Senators to protect ALL of the Bill of Rights. Remind them that your ability to protect the Second Amendment relies on the safeguards of the First Amendment.
ACTION: Please contact your Senators and urge them to oppose the DISCLOSE Act. You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Senators the pre-written e-mail message below.
----- Pre-written letter -----
Dear Senator:
I stand with Gun Owners of America in opposing Senator Schumer's so-called DISCLOSE Act.
This bill was defeated once in the Senate, but now anti-gun Majority Leader Harry Reid plans to bring it back to the floor for another vote.
The DISCLOSE Act is just another attempt by politicians to cling to their jobs by silencing groups like Gun Owners of America.
And, as has been the case so often over the past two years, Reid, Schumer and Co. are using the rules of the Senate to bring the bill directly to the floor. There have been no committee hearings to debate the merits of the bill, thus the American people have no opportunity to see just how the ironically named DISCLOSE Act violates the Constitution.
Gun Owners of America represents the views of hundreds of thousands of Second Amendment supporters. Any bill that squelched the free speech rights of groups like GOA is also an attack on my rights.
Please vote NO on Sen. Schumer's DISCLOSE Act.
Tea Party, NRA and GOP To Gain 623 State Level Seats In November
Gun Ownership Rises To All-Time High, Violent Crime Falls To 35-Year Low
Via Richard, SWR
There Is Mourning In America
Today, the zeitgeist is exactly the opposite. Americans are worried about their future, and about a government determined to implement policies that just don't work. But like its predecessor, "Mourning in America" offers a new hope -- if we can just get our government to return to time-tested policies that can spark a rebirth of liberty.
See the excellent one minute video HERE.
The Five Most Annoying Republicans In The World
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Secure Our Borders - Enforce Our Laws
Attention NCFIRE members:
The Mobile Mexican Consulate will be at Concord High School, 481 Burrage Rd Concord, NC 28025, on September 25th. They will be distributing Mexican passports and Matricula Consular cards. These documents are designed for one purpose only. That is to give illegal aliens a source of ID and documentation. People that are in this country legally already have documentation ie: passports, green cards, student visas, etc...and don't need the documents that are being handed out.
Contact the Principal of Concord High School and ask her if she is aware of this event. Inform her of the fact that this event is geared for one purpose only and that is to "document the undocumented" which circumvents our citizenship laws. Inform her that she is aiding and abetting illegal aliens (which is against the law) and ask her why she is allowing this event to be held on public school property. Property that is paid for with our tax dollars.
Please be respectable in your conversation.
Principal: Carla Black
Phone number: (704) 786-4161
James Johnson
Black Slaveowners
Mao Protects His Atomic Bomb From America
The American Mystique And The American Reality
Multiculturalism will be the death of our Republic if not stopped and reversed.
Zoby Poll Shows Overwhelming Support For Parental Rights
Dear Parental Rights Champion,
The highly acclaimed Zogby Poll has just released the results of the first in-depth analysis of our efforts to protect the right of American parents to raise their children free from improper governmental interference. I am thrilled to be able to present to you a summary of the findings from this brand new Zogby Poll.
First, here are some of the highlights from this poll:
The American public stands strongly behind parental rights. America does not want governmental or UN interference in the American family. The public supports a constitutional amendment to protect the rights of all parents.
Those are the headlines. And these findings are true—in varying degrees, of course—for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Support for parental rights comes from all regions of the country, all racial and religious groups, and at every level of income.
Here are the survey questions, in the order they were asked:
Poll Question 1
Do you agree or disagree with parents having the legal option to give their child a modest spanking?
The government elites are adamant in their opposition to traditional parenting practices. Chief on their list is the elimination of even modest spanking. The UN wishes to ban spanking through the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
But the American public thinks otherwise. On Question 1:
58.7% strongly agree
26.4% somewhat agree
6.0% somewhat disagree
6.9% strongly disagree
2.0% not sure
These are political landslide kinds of numbers.
Various subgroups view this parental right slightly differently (see the in-depth breakdown online), but a large majority of all groups agree. Americans are solidly united in support of parental rights to traditional, modest discipline.
Question 2
In general, parents have the constitutional right to make decisions for their children without governmental interference unless there is proof of abuse or neglect. Do you agree or disagree with this view of parental rights?
All American voters73.6% strongly agree
20.0% somewhat agree
2.6% somewhat disagree
1.6% strongly disagree
2.2% not sure
The goal of the Parental Rights Amendment is to protect this historic understanding of parental rights. This question reveals that America is nearly unanimous in agreeing with this goal – 93.6% in overall agreement, and 4.2% in disagreement.
The sub-groups are available online, but let me include this one sample:
Conservative 98.4% agree 0.9% disagree
Moderate 91.4% agree 4.8% disagree
Liberal 91.6% agree 7.1% disagree
When 98.4% of conservatives and 91.6% of liberals agree on an issue, you know that America is truly united.
Question 3
Would you support or oppose a constitutional amendment to permanently protect parental rights, allowing them to make decisions for their children without government interference, so long as there is no proof of abuse or neglect?
All American voters
45.9% strongly support
17.1% somewhat support
8.5% somewhat oppose
18.3% strongly oppose
10.2% not sure
It is important to note that this question does not make any argument as to why the Amendment is needed. If people were told that the Supreme Court had begun to move away from the traditional standard, the support would almost certainly be much higher. As it is, 63.0% of Americans support the Parental Rights Amendment with 26.8% opposed. Keeping in mind that well over 90% support the goal of the PRA, the opportunity to increase this number above 63% is very strong.
The sub-group views on this question are online here.
Again, a political election that is decided 63% to 26.8% is a called a landslide. America supports the PRA by numbers that represent a landslide even without an explanation of why it is needed.
Question 4
A United Nations treaty on children’s rights is currently being considered by the United States government. If this treaty made international law, it would trump some existing state laws on parents and children. Do you support or oppose this treaty?
All American voters
3.4% strongly support
8.2% somewhat support
9.9% somewhat oppose
44.5% strongly oppose
34.1% not sure
This question reveals a great amount of uncertainty, but for those that had an opinion, 5 Americans oppose the UNCRC for every 1 American that supports it. The question may have been confusing, because the next question clarifies the treaty just a bit and the results are very clear indeed.
Question 5
If you knew that the United Nations treaty on children’s rights would give government broad discretion to overrule parents and decide what it thinks is best for a child, would you support or oppose this treaty, or does it make no difference to your opinion?
1.5% strongly support
4.9% somewhat support
11.6% somewhat oppose
66.7% strongly oppose
4.5% no difference
10.9% not sure
With a single explanation of the effect of the CRC, the opinion of the vast majority of Americans becomes very clear. 78.3% oppose this treaty, and only 6.4% support it.
Opposition to the CRC is found in every political faction. Republicans oppose it 90.1% to 3.9%, Independents 78.5% to 5.2%, Democrats 67.0% to 9.5%. Even liberals opposed the CRC 56.3% to 15.7% - again, a landslide.
The vast majority of the American electorate is on our side in this issue of parental rights. The level of support varies a bit from the “landslide” level on the low end up to “nearly unanimous” on the high end.We have all known that our issue is right—legally and morally. These polls tell us that our issue is winnable.
The challenge we have is to get our message to the American public. If we can reach the public, we will win. It is that simple.
To reach the public we need resources. We need ads, we need earned media (which requires hard work from our staff to make it happen), and we need to use the internet more aggressively and more effectively.
All of these take a great deal of money. And our budgets are very modest. (By the way, I take no salary or expenses from
We believe that we have a very realistic shot at stopping the Convention on the Rights of the Child in this session of Congress. Right after the last election, Barbara Boxer promised that it would be ratified in this session.
I also believe that we have a realistic chance of passing the Parental Rights Amendment in the House early in the next term of Congress.
The public stands with us. If we can reach them with our message, the vast majority in Congress will listen to the voices of the voters.
Will you please help us with the very best gift you can so that we may reach the American public with our message and protect the rights of all parents for generations to come?
Thank you for helping us make history.
Warmest regards,
Michael Farris
"Subordination And Obedience To Government"
--George Washington, circular letter of farewell to the Army, 1783
No, George what were you drinking when you wrote this? After all, you just fought a war against a government and no man is subordinate to any government.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wolverines: A New Absolved Chapter
NOTE: Absolved is a work of "faction," that is, a fictional work about fictional people and events written across a backdrop of facts and reality. The depiction of Michigan's MIOC and the state's slavish toadying to the federal leviathan is, as near as I can determine, entirely accurate. There are professors in the Michigan higher education system who have made big bucks teaching the finer points to what have become -- with the Bush "War on Terror" followed by the Obamanoids' use of those structures in a "War on the Right" -- political secret policemen working in an increasingly Orwellian Department of Pre-Crime backed up by Ingsoc thugs of the "joint task forces." The quotes I put in the mouth of the fictional professor, for example, were actually said by a real professor and, if you can figure out who he is, you may find them on variuous web sites.
In other words, although the background canvas of this story is accurate, the characters are fictional and names have been changed to protect the guilty -- guily parties who accept the tax money of the people of Michigan in order to spy upon them, not for what crimes they have committed, or even for what crimes they may reasonably be planning but rather for what "thought crimes" they may be harboring against an increasingly tyrannical federal leviathan.
As for the Wolverines, you may speculate all you wish if there actually is a group of armed citizens as depicted in the chapter who are truly that liberty loving, that well trained and that righteously deadly within both the Founders' definition of "well regulated militia" and living within the borders of the state of Michigan. If there is, they do not call themselves the Wolverines. In that case, names have been not been changed to protect the guilty, nor the innocent, but rather to provide "maskirovka" to the competent. If so, that makes Wolverines, and the entirety of my novel Absolved, a cautionary tale for those who aspire to be agents of an American Stazi. Put another way, if you ain't one of those, Mr. LEO, you have nothing to worry about. But if those who are think that one of their own would not offer them up to an assassin's bullet out of deeper held principle because he is a fellow LEO and thus wouldn't "turn traitor," I would suggest they read the real history of one Eamon "Ned" Broy.
In the movie Michael Collins, Ned Broy is portrayed as having been killed by the Brits. He wasn't. He survived the War for Irish Independence and the Irish Civil War that followed. In fact, although captured and threatened with execution, he outlived for a considerable number of years dozens of his fellow Royal Irish Constabulary G-men and British secret service agents whose names he gave to Michael Collins for disposal by the "Twelve Apostles" of "The Squad."
By all accounts, Broy even slept well at night, knowing it had all been done in the cause of Irish freedom. A cautionary tale indeed for any would-be American secret political policemen.
-- Mike Vanderboegh.
Excellent reply below.
Dave said...